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商海泛舟者能够一帆风顺,取决于很多因素:商情分析啦,流通渠道啦,服务态度啦等等,但其中有一个重要的因素却往往被人们所忽视,这就是气候的影响。有这样一则故事:一位老妈妈有两位女儿,大女儿家卖雨伞,二女儿家开染坊。为着两个女儿家的生意,老妈妈整天忧心忡忡的:晴天时,她怕大女儿家的雨伞不好卖;雨天时,又怕二女儿家染出的湿布没法晒。一位邻居知道后就这样开导她说:“你应该反过来想想:晴天,二女儿家好晒布;雨天,大女儿家又正好卖伞嘛!”老妈妈一想也是,从此后,她就天天都是高高兴兴的了。这故事中包含的什么哲理姑且不去说它,但 Shanghai rafters can be smooth, depending on many factors: business analysis, distribution channels, service attitudes, etc., but one of the important factors is often overlooked by people. This is the impact of climate. There is such a story: An old mother has two daughters. The eldest daughter’s family sells umbrellas, and the second daughter opens a dyeing workshop. For the business of the two daughters, the old mother was worried all day long: On a sunny day, she was afraid that the umbrellas of her eldest daughter’s family would not sell well; when it was raining, she was afraid that the wet cloths dyed by her second daughter would not be able to dry. After a neighbor knew it, she enlightened her and said, “You should think in reverse: Sunny, the second daughter’s home is well clothed. On rainy days, the eldest daughter’s home is also selling umbrellas!” "Old mother thought it too, and from then on She is happy every day. What philosophies contained in this story don’t say it, but
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酸式盐和碱反应时,反应物的量不同,得到的产物不同.本文通过常见物质总结出了酸式盐和碱反应的离子方程式的书写方法和技巧. Acid salt and alkali reaction, the amount of
美特斯邦威集团高级副总裁王泉庚参加工作的时候只是高中毕业, 从一个普通的技术员做到负责集团信息化工作的 CIO 再到现在的高级副总裁,不断地学习是其成长的重要原因。现在
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