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为贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于加速科学技术进步的决定》和《建设部关于加速科学技术进步的决定》,落实1995年全国建设科技大会提出的各项任务,加强城乡之间科技交流,促进科技成果转化为生产力,为我国量大面广、相对分散、规模较小的村镇建设提供急需的各类适用技术(产品),提高村镇建设科技水平,推动村镇建设事业的科学技术进步,经研究决定于今年组织开展村镇建设适用技术(产品)申报工作。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、村镇建设适用技术(产品)申报要求 In order to implement the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Progress,” and the “Decision of the Ministry of Construction on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Progress,” implement the various tasks set forth in the 1995 National Construction Science and Technology Conference to strengthen scientific and technological exchanges between the urban and rural areas and promote science and technology. Achievements have been transformed into productive forces, providing all kinds of applicable technologies (products) that are urgently needed for large-scale, relatively decentralized, and smaller-scale construction of villages and towns in China, improving the scientific and technological level of villages and towns, and promoting the scientific and technological progress of village and township construction. This year, we organized the application of technology (products) for the construction of villages and towns. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows: 1. Application requirements for the application of technology (products) for the construction of villages and towns
说它是羊不是羊,体育活动有一项。手扶稳,腿打开,纵身跳过真是棒。每天记得多锻炼,结结实实真健康!(你能从正图中找出右图这些藏起来的东西吗?) It is not a sheep that she
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A fracture criterion derived from a microscopic point of view is proposed and has proved to be effective in the analysis of uniaxial tension.On the one hand,a m