
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fionwy
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樱桃、桃、李等核果类果树的设施栽培在我国已获成功并得到广泛应用 ,但杏设施栽培方面的研究报道甚少 ,新世纪和红丰是我们近年选育的 2个极早熟杏优系 [1] ,具有自花结实、开花晚 (可避开晚霜为害 )、早实、丰产等优点。为探讨 2个杏优系设施栽培的表现及适宜管理措施 ,我们 The cultivation of cherry, peach, plum and other stone fruit trees has been successfully applied in our country and has been widely used. However, little research has been done on the cultivation of apricot facilities. The new century and Hongfeng are the two extremely premature apricots Department [1], with a self-prickly, late flowering (can be avoided night frost damage), early real, high yield and so on. In order to explore the performance of 2 apricot plantations and suitable management measures, we
刘牧学画山水已有45年,他自己说是掰了“一地棒子”。他学过传统山水画的清逸,也曾玩过种种现代构成的时髦。但他终究是一个来自乡下的老实 Liu Mu learning landscape pain