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2005年9月1日,是中国统计出版社成立50周年纪念日。值此喜庆之日,中国统计出版社召开了“庆祝中国统计出版社成立50周年座谈会”。国家统计局局长李德水及全体局领导到会祝贺。与会的嘉宾还有新闻出版总署、中宣部,国资委、中国版协经济工作委员会、部分出版社和中央财经大学的有关领导。座谈会上,李德水局长在致辞中指出,“统计出版,肩负重任”,希望中国统计出版社通过社庆,建立新的起点,为统计事业做出更大的贡献。邱晓华副局长在讲话中指出,感谢中国统计出版社的工作,架起了社会了解统计,统计走向社会的一座桥梁。国家新闻出版总署图书司司长吴尚之在致辞中指出,中国统计出版社成立五十年来,尽心竭力于统计出版事业,出了一大批好书,没有出过一本有问题的书。五十年,来形成了五个“一”的经验:即有一个坚强、团结、协作的领导班子;有一支高素质的编辑队伍和经营管理队伍;出版了一批具有重要影响和积极作用的出版物;建立了一整套健全的出版社管理制度;尤其重要的是有一个坚强的后盾——国家统计局对出版社的高度重视和热情关怀。他希望中国统计出版社以五十年为契机更新观念,深化改革,百尺竿头,更进一步。国资委大型企业监事会副主席翟立功、中央财大党委书记邱东也分别讲话,对中国统计出版社成立50周年表示热烈的祝贺,就50年来中国统计出版社所取得的成绩给予了充分的肯定并希望在未来的日子里,勤奋努力,再创佳绩。 September 1, 2005 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China Statistics Press. On the occasion of this happy occasion, China Statistics Press held a “forum to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China Statistics Press.” National Bureau of Statistics Director Li Deshui and the leadership of the General Assembly will be congratulated. The attending guests include the Press and Publication Administration, the Central Propaganda Department, the SASAC, the China Edition Association Economic Work Committee, some publishers and the Central University of Finance and the relevant leaders. At the symposium, Director Li Deshui pointed out in his speech that “statistics publishing has the important responsibility” and hopes that China Statistics Press will establish a new starting point through social celebrations and make greater contribution to the statistical work. In his speech, Qiu Xiaohua, deputy director pointed out that thanks to the work of China Statistics Press, it has set a bridge for society to understand statistics and count towards society. In his speech, Wu Shangzhi, secretary of the State Press and Publications Administration Department of Books, pointed out: Since China Statistics Press was founded fifty years ago, it has done its utmost to make great efforts in the field of statistics publishing. Out of a large number of good books, there has been no book in question. Over the past 50 years, we have formed five “one” experiences: that is, we have a strong, united and cooperative leadership team; a highly qualified editorial team and management team; and a group of influential and positive Publications; set up a sound system of management of the publishing house; especially important is a strong backing - the National Bureau of Statistics attached great importance to the press and enthusiastic care. He hoped China Statistical Publishing House will take 50 years as a turning point to update its concepts, deepen the reform, and make every success and step forward. ZHAI Li Gong, Vice Chairman of the SASAC Supervisory Board, and Qiu Dong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Government, held separate speeches respectively and extended warm congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China Statistics Press. They fully affirmed the achievements made by China Statistics Press in the past 50 years And hope in the coming days, hard work, create success again.
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白求恩医科大学第二临床学院创建于194 8年 ,前身是中国人民解放军长春医科大学第二附属医院 ,从 1950年起 ,先后更名为军委长春军医大学第二学院、第三军医大学第二学院、第
对一个人而言,大多人际关系是可以选择的,比如邻居、朋友、恋人、夫妻等等。但是,同事关系,只要他在某一团体内工作,就永远无法摆脱。 办公室里的同事,每个星期有五天共处,
意外死亡包括无意识的意外死亡 (例如机动车所致交通事故 ,意外中毒 ,医疗事故 ,火灾 ,淹死 ,意外坠落 ,机械窒息 ,药品事故 )和有意识的意外死亡 (例如自杀自伤 ,他杀他伤 ,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
为了观察重组血小板生成素 (thrombopoietin ,TPO)基因在COS 7细胞及在小鼠体内的表达 ,应用DNA重组技术构建了含TPO基因的真核表达质粒 pcd2 TPO ,用脂质体法将其转染COS 7