
来源 :中华血液学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sznzhu
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目的 研究蛋白聚糖家族成员syndecan 1分子在人多发性骨髓瘤 (MM)细胞表面的表达和可溶型syndecan 1分子的分泌及其调节 ,以期探讨syndecan 1与人MM发生、发展的相关性。方法 用免疫荧光标记流式细胞仪分析人MM肿瘤细胞表面syndecan 1的表达 ;采用ELISA法检测人MM细胞培养上清可溶型syndecan 1的分泌水平。结果 ①人MM细胞表面表达高水平的syndecan 1分子 ,随着肿瘤细胞的凋亡 ,细胞表面syndecan 1分子表达丢失 ;②大多数骨髓瘤细胞分泌可溶型syndecan 1分子 ,其分泌水平与细胞状态有关 ,而与膜表面syndecan 1分子的密度无关 ,而且可溶型syndecan 1的产生不依赖于血清的存在 ;③蛋白合成抑制剂放线菌酮抑制可溶型syndecan 1分子的产生 ,丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂antipain对syndecan 1分子的分泌无影响。结论 syndecan 1分子作为多种生长因子、细胞因子以及肝素样结合生长因子的受体 ,在MM的病理过程中 ,对于骨髓瘤细胞的生长、归巢可能起着重要的作用 Objective To study the expression of syndecan 1 of the proteoglycan family on the surface of human multiple myeloma (MM) cells and the secretion and regulation of soluble syndecan 1 in order to explore the correlation between syndecan 1 and the development of human MM. Methods The expression of syndecan 1 on the surface of human MM tumor cells was analyzed by immunofluorescence labeling flow cytometry. The level of soluble syndecan 1 was detected by ELISA. RESULTS: A high level of syndecan 1 was expressed on the surface of a human MM cell. The expression of syndecan 1 was lost on the cell surface with the apoptosis of tumor cells. 2 Most myeloma cells secrete soluble syndecan 1 molecules, their secretion level and cell state. Relevant, but not related to the density of syndecan 1 molecules on the membrane surface, and the production of soluble syndecan 1 is not dependent on the presence of serum; 3 protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide inhibits the production of soluble syndecan 1 molecules, serine protease inhibition Agent antipain has no effect on the secretion of syndecan 1 molecules. Conclusion Syndecan 1 is a receptor for many growth factors, cytokines and heparin-like growth factors. It may play an important role in the growth and homing of myeloma cells in the pathological process of MM.
ChengSWK等回顾性分析了96例鼻咽癌患者放疗后颈动脉狭窄的状况。96例均无颈动脉手术史 ,放疗为主要治疗或术后辅助治疗。原发灶放疗量为64Gy~72Gy,若颈部淋巴结阴性 ,颈部放疗量为45Gy~50Gy,若颈部淋巴结阳
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目的 筛选胃癌 19p部分微卫星多态位点的杂合性缺失 (loss of heterozygosite,L OH)频率 ,以初步确定 19p上与胃癌相关基因连锁最密切的微卫星多态位点。方法 采用聚合酶链
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