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明亮熊蜂Bombus lucorum L.是一种重要的温室果菜传粉昆虫,印度谷斑螟Plodia interpunctella(Hbner)是危害明亮熊蜂繁育的主要害虫之一。2年的研究结果表明,印度谷斑螟的形态特征与危害蜜蜂巢房的大蜡螟Gallerie mellonellaL.和小蜡螟Achroia grisella Fabricius明显不同。印度谷斑螟以饲喂熊蜂的花粉为载体传播进熊蜂繁育室,在熊蜂繁育室内可以连续繁殖,1年发生6~8代,且世代重叠。印度谷斑螟幼虫主要以蜂群内的剩花粉为食,当花粉不足时,就开始取食巢房和蜂蛹,对熊蜂的规模化繁育危害较大,每年的5~8月、11~2月为危害高峰期。印度谷斑螟的发育受环境和食物的影响很大,在温度为28℃、相对湿度为60%熊蜂繁育室内,印度谷斑螟的卵期为4d,幼虫期为19~23d,蛹期为11d,成虫期为4~20d。成虫羽化后3~4h即可进行交配,雌蛾交配后当天就开始产卵,产卵期4~10d不等,平均产卵量107.8粒。在熊蜂繁育室消毒期间,食物短缺,印度谷斑螟幼虫进入休眠状态,各龄幼虫均可发生休眠现象。印度谷斑螟不危害蜜蜂,在蜜蜂巢房中不能存活。 Bombus lucorum L., an important greenhouse bee-pollinator, is one of the major pests that endanger the breeding of bright bumblebees (Plodia interpunctella). The results of 2 years showed that the morphological characteristics of the Indian cutworm were significantly different from those of Gallerie mellonella L. and Achroia grisella Fabricius. Indian cutworm (Bombyx mori) propagates into the bumblebee breeding room with the pollen supplied by the bumblebee as a carrier, which can breed continuously in the bumblebee breeding room for 6 to 8 generations a year and overlap in generations. In India, the larvae of the southern rice borer mainly feed on the leftover pollen in the bee colony. When the pollen is not enough, they begin to feed the nest and the pupae, which is harmful to the large-scale breeding of bumblebees. From May to August of each year, February is the peak of danger. The development of the Indian cutworm, Diaphania smithi, is affected greatly by the environment and food. In the bumblebee breeding room with a relative humidity of 60% and the relative humidity of 60%, the oviposition period of the Indian cutworm is 4 days and larvae are 19 ~ 23 days, 11d, adult stage is 4 ~ 20d. The adults can be mated 3 to 4 hours after emergence. Female moths begin to lay eggs on the day after mating, and the spawning period varies from 4 to 10 days. The average number of eggs laid is 107.8. During the sterilizing period in the bumblebee breeding room, the food was in short supply, and the larvae of the southern rice borer entered the dormant state. The larvae of all instars could be dormant. The Indian cutworm does not endanger bees and can not survive in the bee’s nest.
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