含水有机溶剂体系中固定化Acetobacter sp.CCTCC M209061细胞催化乙酰乙酸乙酯不对称还原反应

来源 :现代食品科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czjjay
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本论文报道了含微水有机溶剂体系中固定化Acetobacter sp.CCTCC M209061细胞催化乙酰乙酸乙酯不对称还原为(R)-3-羟基丁酸乙酯。研究表明,Acetobacter sp.CCTCC M209061细胞能遵循反Prelog规则高选择性地催化乙酰乙酸乙酯不对称还原。与单水相反应体系相比,含有机溶剂体系不仅可有效地解决底物和产物的抑制作用,而且可提高反应底物的浓度和产率。在所研究的不同有机溶剂中,正己烷为该反应的最适有机相,其能较好溶解底物且对Acetobacter sp.CCTCC M209061细胞的毒性较小,从而导致反应的初速度较快,产率较高。异丙醇为该反应的最佳辅底物,其最适浓度为60 mmol/L;该反应体系中的最适正己烷体积百分比、反应温度、底物浓度分别为约100.00%(水含量约为0.01 wt%),35℃,40 mmol/L。在此条件下,反应的初速率、产率和产物的e.e.值分别为0.72μmol/min,85.24%和99.00%以上,明显好于水单相反应体系进行该反应的结果。 In this paper, immobilized Acetobacter sp. CCTCC M209061 cells in aqueous organic solvent system were reported to catalyze the asymmetric reduction of ethyl acetoacetate to ethyl (R) -3-hydroxybutyrate. Studies have shown that Acetobacter sp. CCTCC M209061 cells can highly selectively catalyze the asymmetric reduction of ethyl acetoacetate following the anti-Prelog rule. Compared with the single aqueous reaction system, the organic solvent system can not only effectively solve the substrate and product inhibition, but also increase the concentration and yield of the reaction substrate. Of the different organic solvents studied, n-hexane is the optimum organic phase for the reaction, which dissolves the substrate well and is less toxic to Acetobacter sp. CCTCC M209061 cells, resulting in a faster initial rate of reaction Higher rate. Isopropanol was the best substrate for the reaction, and the optimum concentration was 60 mmol / L. The optimum volume percentage of n-hexane, reaction temperature and substrate concentration in the reaction system were about 100.00% (water content was about 0.01% by weight) at 35 ° C, 40 mmol / L. Under these conditions, the initial reaction rate, the yield and the e.e. values ​​of the products were 0.72μmol / min, 85.24% and 99.00%, respectively, which were significantly better than that of the water single phase reaction system.
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