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可编程序控制器(简称PC机)在国外已经得到了广泛的应用,目前进口机组的自动操作基本上全采用PC机控制。我国PC机的应用也正在推广,都要求新建电厂和已建电厂设备更新均应采用计算机技术。 水利部能源部地勘机电研究所与大黑河水电站合作,承担“水轮发电机组附助设备控制装置的研究”课题。这是部科技司列为七、五攻关重大科技项目。该课题的前景调研及技术准备工作,已于89年完成,91年调整试验运行。 Programmable controller (PC for short) has been widely used in foreign countries. At present, the automatic operation of imported units basically adopts PC control. The application of PC is also being promoted in our country, which requires the use of computer technology in both new and upgraded plant equipment. Ministry of Water Resources Geological Prospecting Institute of Electrical and Dahehe Hydropower Station cooperation, undertake “turbine generator auxiliary equipment control device research” project. This is the Department of Science and Technology as seven, five key scientific and technological projects. The prospect of the project research and technical preparation work was completed in 1989, 91 years to adjust the trial operation.
四年一度的国际地质大会被誉为地学界的“奥林匹克盛会”。 从1878年开始的首届国际地质大会,经历了126年的风雨兼程,依然生机勃勃,力量在于地质科学家的热情、追求和对人类
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The source of long-wavelength aeromagnetic anomalies appears to originate from the earth’s deep crust. Constrained by previous studies on geochemical, petrol
江口水电厂位于江西省赣江中游左岸袁水下游的新余市附近,控制流域面积3900平方公里,总库容8.9亿立方米,装机容量3.52千瓦,年平均发电量1.4亿千瓦时,属大(二)型水库。 江口
A specimen collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China, represents a new genus and species of troodontid theropod. The new t