Understanding China

来源 :北京周报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjfu
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China has achieved incredible growth since it adopted its reform and opening-up policy 40 years ago. What exactly is going on in China? What is the secret behind such rapid development? How can a rising China get along with the rest of the world?ForU.S.readers who are eager to find answers to these ques-tions, a series of new books may hold the key. At the 2018 BookExpo America (BEA) held in New York from May 30 to June 1, the first selec-tion of Understanding China, a series of books teling the stories of contemporary China, was presented to U.S. readers for the first time since their publication in April.
With the inclusion of China A-shares on a key global index, a step has been made for more foreign investors to increase exposure to China’s capital market and share its growth dividends.  Global index
【摘要】当下,很多人的微信朋友圈被一个名为“云在指尖”的网络运营商刷屏了。有人认为它仅仅是一个普通的微商,通过周边的亲朋好友来赚钱,还有人认为它类似于大家熟知的“传销”。那么“云在指尖”到底怎样运营,它是不是像其他人说的那么好,能够带领他们发家致富,还是违法的“伪传销”?本文将深入介绍“云在指尖”的运营模式,并与微商、传销作深入对比,揭开它神秘的面纱。  【关键词】云在指尖 微商 传销 朋友圈  
点 灯  星辰寂灭的高原——  一座山坳里黑魆魆的羊圈  一只泊在大河古渡口的敝舊船屋  一扇开凿在寺院背后崖壁上密修者的窗户  一顶山谷底部朝圣者的帐篷……  需要一只拈着轻烟的手,把它们  一一点亮  雪 地  雪地上已有践踏的痕迹。是谁  比我更早地来到高地?比我更盲目  在一片茫茫中,把自己交给荒原  而没有准备返回的路  雪夜独步  现在只有雪粒划破空气的声音  现在一个人面对黑暗和内心
Teapots that combine traditional porcelain-making techniques with mod design, handmade stylish fiture for children made using a mortise and tenon technique,and
Any mention of China's reform and opening-up policy likely brings to mind a now wel -known story of economic takeoff and a country's rise from poverty to become