
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunmoon
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作者最近发现经外科手术及病理证实十二指肠结核1例,报告如下。患者女性,32岁,因进食后上腹胀痛伴呕吐3个月于1998年10月6日来我院就诊。患者既往体健,于1998年7月无诱因出现进食后上腹部胀痛,呈持续性进行性加剧,伴呕吐,呕吐为胃内容物及较多胆汁样物,吐后稍缓解,无畏寒、发热 The authors recently found that surgical and pathological confirmed duodenal tuberculosis in 1 case, the report is as follows. Female patient, 32 years old, was admitted to our hospital on October 6, 1998 due to abdominal pain and vomiting after eating. Patients with previous health, in July 1998 there was no incentive to appear after eating abdominal pain, was sustained progressive aggravating, with vomiting and vomiting for the stomach contents and more bile samples, vomiting after a little relief, no chills, fever
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【摘要】当下,很多人的微信朋友圈被一个名为“云在指尖”的网络运营商刷屏了。有人认为它仅仅是一个普通的微商,通过周边的亲朋好友来赚钱,还有人认为它类似于大家熟知的“传销”。那么“云在指尖”到底怎样运营,它是不是像其他人说的那么好,能够带领他们发家致富,还是违法的“伪传销”?本文将深入介绍“云在指尖”的运营模式,并与微商、传销作深入对比,揭开它神秘的面纱。  【关键词】云在指尖 微商 传销 朋友圈  
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