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为适应山西能源重化工基地建设的需要,如何加快发展山西建材工业,是亟待研究和解决的一个问题。现就此谈些个人的看法。一、加快发展建材工业是山西能源重化工基地建设的迫切需要30多年来,我省建材工业发展很快。但由于长期以来对建材工业在国民经济中的地位与作用认识不足,建材工业没能得到应有的发展。山西省建材工业的现状也表现为:技术装备陈旧,小厂多,大厂少,品种少,产量低,缺乏科研、设计、地质等基础力量。现在建材产品的供应与需求矛盾很大。八一年水泥只满足需要的30%,平板玻璃只能满足需要的29%。据初步预测, “六五”和“七五”期间,山西省基本建设投资将比“五五”期间成倍增长,后十年将比“五五”期间增长4倍。因此,一些主要建材产品产量,如水泥需增长4~5倍,平板玻璃需增长5~6倍,才能适应需要。为保证山西能源重化工基地建设的需要,建材工业必须加快发展,走在前面。二、山西能源充足,资源丰富,发展建材 In order to meet the needs of Shanxi’s energy and heavy chemical industry base construction, how to speed up the development of building materials industry in Shanxi is an issue that needs to be studied and solved urgently. Let’s talk about some personal opinions. I. Accelerating the development of the building materials industry is an urgent need for the construction of Shanxi’s energy and heavy chemical base. For over 30 years, the building materials industry in our province has developed rapidly. However, due to the lack of understanding of the status and role of the building materials industry in the national economy for a long time, the building materials industry has not been able to achieve its due development. The current situation of building materials industry in Shanxi Province is also manifested as: outdated technical equipment, small factories, large factories, fewer varieties, low yield, lack of scientific research, design, geology and other basic forces. Nowadays, the supply and demand of building materials products are in great contradiction. In the first eight months, cement only meets the required 30%, and flat glass can only meet the required 29%. According to preliminary predictions, during the “6th Five-Year” and “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, Shanxi’s capital construction investment will grow exponentially more than during the “Five-Five” period, and will increase four-fold during the next decade compared with the “Five-Five” period. Therefore, the output of some major building materials such as cement needs to grow 4 to 5 times, and flat glass needs to increase by 5 to 6 times in order to meet the needs. In order to ensure the construction of the energy and heavy chemical industry base in Shanxi, the building materials industry must accelerate its development and go ahead. Second, Shanxi is rich in energy, rich in resources, development of building materials
赠汪伦  李白  李白乘舟将欲行,  忽闻岸上踏歌声。  桃花潭水深千尺,  不及汪伦送我情。  李白到过的地方,怎能没有故事?  相传,汪伦邀约李白泛舟桃花潭,喝酒论诗,好不快活。然而,世上没有不散的筵席。李白终究要告别汪伦,泛舟而去。诗的前两行是叙事,先写要离去者,再写送行者。“乘舟”表明是循着水道。“将欲行”表明是在小船即将出发之时。这句话使我们仿佛看到李白站在小船上即将离去的情景。  送行
1945年8月15日中午12时,日本天皇通过广播向全国宣布日本无条件投降。这是一起引发全球震动的巨大事件。 中国人民8年抗战取得了伟大胜利,台湾人民50年的殖民地苦难生活从此
近几年来,为了改变我国建筑业的落后面貌,加快建设速度,提高劳动生产率,节约取土烧砖用地,支援农业生产,各地都在试行推广中小型砌块建筑。 In recent years, in order to