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第二集百年与十年近代中国的邮电业,起始于清朝末年,靠洋务运动开办起来的电报,在闭关自守和封建愚腐的双重壁垒面前,始终没能拉进这座皇宫。近代邮政在经过三十几年的崎岖路程之后,到本世纪初,清政府才从洋人手里颤颤巍巍地接过来。当人民共和国的五星红旗第一次升上蓝天的时候,人民政府接收的是只有31万门电话的烂摊子。的确,半个多世纪的步履太艰难了,但是,百废待兴,需要国家投资的事又太多了。邮电业,这支背负经济起飞的翅膀太沉重了。1980年,一位法国商人住在福州,为一笔生意向巴黎的公司挂了一个国际电话,他苦苦等待了两天两夜,第三天,一气之下离开了中国。一个外商走了,周围的人不得不思考这样一个实实在在的问题:通信落后已经成为影响对外开放,制 Episode second hundred and ten years Modern China’s post and telecommunications industry, started in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, by the Westernization Movement opened the telegraph, in the self-defense and feudal stupid dual barriers never been able to pull into the palace. After 30 years of hard work in modern postal service, until the beginning of this century, the Qing government took it from the hands of foreigners. When the Five-Star Red Flag of the People’s Republic rose to the blue sky for the first time, the People’s Government received only 310,000 phone calls. It is true that more than half a century of walking is too difficult. However, there are too many things that need to be spent on national investment. Post and telecommunications, the wings that take the economic take-off are too heavy. In 1980, a French businessman living in Fuzhou made an international call to a company that had a business trip to Paris. He waited for two days and two nights. On the third day, he left China. When a foreigner goes away, the people around him have to think about such a real problem: the backward communication has become an issue that has the effect of opening up to the outside world
长清县崮山镇是一个钟灵毓秀的好地方,北靠济南,南望泰山。 崮山镇总面积120多平方公里,辖33个村,人口3.3万。区内山区、平原各占一半,物产资源丰富,有黄砂、花岗石、大理石
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洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)主席Lust教授、博士于1991年11月26日,分别写信通知西北工业大学郭彦林、喻铁军两博士,洪堡基金会已同意他们的申请,将对他们
2009年3月24日,国际橡胶研究组织秘书长声称,2008年全球天然橡胶及合成橡胶的总消费量已经减少了4%,预计2009年这一数字将会再减 On March 24, 2009, the secretary general