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In 2001- 2003, the Erlitou Archaeological Team, IA, CASS, carried out a systematic survey in the middle and eastern Luoyang Basin with the Erlitou site in the center. The exploration covered about 638 sq km in area and, in time, the Neolithic Peiligang culture to the Warring States periods. In method it was similar to the systematic regional surveys recently made in other areas of our country. The newly discovered sites number 174, and re-surveyed and confirmed 48. In addition, a preliminary exploration was made to investigate the vestiges of ancient rivers and canals and the relationship between geomorphology and the distribution of man's living remains. The Luoyang Basin was in the center of the culture of successive dynasties within the Central Plains. The present survey is certainly of great value to studying the course of social complexity in this area. Meanwhile, as an archaeological practice in the densely populated area since antiquity, it enriched the methodology of systematic regional survey.
In 1998, a kiln-site was discovered east of the enclosure of the White-horse Temple in Luoyang. It consists of four kilns sharing a common operating pit, of which one is for firing pottery, and the rest are for producing bricks and tiles. This is the only
Humans around the world have shown a remarkable propensity to ferment available sugar sources into alcoholic beverages. These drinks have significantly contributed to cultural innovation and development, including agricultural and horticultural skills to
南阳市宛城区安居新村位于独山大道东牛王庙村。1999年4月,在小区建楼时发现了3座汉墓(图一)。经上级主管部门批准,南阳市文物考古研究所于1999年4月对该批墓葬进行了清理,其中的99W AM2(简称M2)为画像石墓.墓中出土了20余件遗物。该画像石墓在筑造中使用的斗形梁柱在南阳同时期墓葬中很少见。现将发掘情况介绍如下。
In 1989, in concert with the construction of the highway from Jinan to Qingdao, a rescuing excavation was carried out on the Xiejiabu site in Changle County, Shandong. The site is about 10,000 sq m in remaining area and 1 - 3.5m high above the surrounding