Use of Mussel Shells as a Soil Amendment:Effects on Bulk and Rhizosphere Soil and Pasture Production

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelagao00
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Large quantities of mussel shells(66 000-94 000 t year 1),an alkaline material that can be used as a soil amendment,are generated as waste in Galicia,NW Spain.A field trial was carried out by planting different pasture species in a Haplic Umbrisol using a randomized block design with four blocks and six treatments(not amended control or soil amended with lime,finely ground shell,coarsely ground shell,finely ground calcined shell or coarsely ground calcined shell) to compare the effects of lime and mussel shells additions on a soil with a low cation exchange capacity and high Al saturation.The trial was established in March 2007,and samples of plants and soil were collected when plots were harvested in summer 2008(separating the bulk and rhizosphere soil).The soils were analyzed for pH,total C,total N,available P,exchangeable cations,effective cation exchange capacity and available micronutrients.Dry matter yield was measured in all plots and plants were analyzed for nutrients.Application of mussel shells and the commercial lime resulted in an increase in pH and exchangeable Ca and a decrease in exchangeable Al and Al saturation.The stability of pH over time was high.These effects were most noticeable in the rhizosphere.The amendment also had a positive effect on dry matter yield and concentration of Ca in the plant. Large quantities of mussel shells (66 000-94 000 t year 1), an alkaline material that can be used as a soil amendment, are produced as waste in Galicia, NW Spain. A field trial was carried out by planting different pasture species in a Haplic Umbrisol using a randomized block design with four blocks and six treatments (not amended control or soil amended with lime, finely ground shell, coarsely ground shell, finely ground calcined shell or coarsely ground calcined shell) to compare the effects of lime and mussel shells additions on a soil with a low cation exchange capacity and high Al saturation. The trial was established in March 2007, and samples of plants and soil were collected when plots were harvested in summer 2008 (separating the bulk and rhizosphere soil). The soils were analyzed for pH, total C, total N, available P, exchangeable cations, effective cation exchange capacity and available micronutrients. Dry matter yield was measured in all plots and plants were analyzed for nutrients. Applicati on of mussel shells and the commercial lime resulted in an increase in pH and exchangeable Ca and a decrease in exchangeable Al and Al saturation. stability of pH over time was high. these effects were most noticeable in the rhizosphere. amendment. had a positive effect on dry matter yield and concentration of Ca in the plant.
最近,我终于彻底解决了困扰多年的“洗脸巾长霉点”问题。多年来,我一直纳闷一件事情——我的洗脸巾每隔不久,就会长出一些黑色霉点。我和妻子同時启用新毛巾,摆在同一个毛巾架上。过个把月,我毛巾上的霉点总会不期而至,就像一个人脸上长出麻子那样。而妻子的毛巾却安安静静,洁白如初。  为此我曾做出多番努力。一开始我想,应是我没把毛巾洗干净引起的,所以洗完脸都会把它洗了又洗,搓了又搓,然后放在阳光下晒。尽管这样
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风中,您遗世独立的姿态恍若一位仙人,不食人间烟火,您的琴声悠扬,余音袅袅,不绝如缕……  弦断,贵人至,您终究为他的三顾茅庐所动。是啊,士为知己者死,怎能不心动呢?隆中一对,才知您始终心系天下,他知您、懂您,您便甘愿为他鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。  多少次您亲临前线,与战士们并肩作战;多少次,您运筹帷幄,决胜千里……寒风里,您羽扇纶巾,决心以一个太平天下回报知音。  先生,您太累了!我愿化作一缕清风,午