Treatment of pediatric Ogilvie’s syndrome with low-dose erythromycin:A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyu_518
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Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction is a poorly understood syndrome, characterized by the signs, symptoms and radiological pattern of a large bowel obstruction without evidence for a mechanical obstruction. We report a case of a 2-year old boy who presented with progressive abdominal distention, vomiting and abdominal pain on postoperative d 3. Plain abdominal Χ-ray showed markedly dilated large bowel. Mechanical colonic obstruction was ruled out with hypaque enema. Ogilvie’s syndrome was suspected. The patient received treatment with oral erythromycin which had an immediate beneficial effect. During the 6 mo follow-up, no recurrences of symptoms were observed. We provide a safe and effective therapy for Ogilvie’s syndrome in pediatric individuals. Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction is a poorly understood syndrome, characterized by the signs, symptoms and radiological pattern of a large bowel obstruction without evidence for a mechanical obstruction. We report a case of a 2-year old boy who presented with progressive abdominal distention. vomiting and abdominal pain on postoperative d 3. Plain abdominal Χ-ray showed markedly dilated large bowel. Mechanical colonic obstruction was ruled out with hypaque enema. The patient received treatment with oral erythromycin which had an immediate beneficial effect. During the 6 mo follow-up, no recurrences of symptoms were observed. We provide a safe and effective therapy for Ogilvie’s syndrome in pediatric individuals.
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