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2005年9月,我们丹东市普通高中进行了部分学科的结业考试。在文科综合试卷中,有下面这样一道历史试题:2005年是中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年。据此回答下列问题:(1)“码头上到处是焦黑的死尸,一个摞一个,堆成了尸山,在尸山间五十到一百个左右的人影在缓缓地移动,把那些尸体拖到江边,投入江中。呻吟声、殷红的血、痉挛的手脚,还有哑剧般的寂静,给我们留下极深刻的印象。”(引自高中《中国近代现代史》下册教材)这是一个日本记者的记述。你知道他描写的是哪一重大历史事件吗?这一事件发生在何时?(2)“总起来说,日本的长处是其战争力量之强,而其短处则在其战争本质的退步性、野蛮性,在其人力、物力之不足,在其国际形势之寡助。……中国的短处是战争力量之弱,而其长处则在其战争本质的进步性和正义性,在其是一个大国家,在其国际形势之多助。……”这样看来,战争的长期性和随之而来的残酷性,是明显的。敌人不能整个地吞并中国,但是能够相当长期地占领中国的许多地方。中国也不能迅速地驱逐日本,但是大部分的土地将依然是中国的。最后是敌败我胜,但是必须经过一段艰难的路程。“这是在抗日战争爆发还不到一年的时间里,某人发表的对抗日战争的总体看法。请你说出他的名字?他写的这篇文章题目是什么?基于这样的认识,他把抗日战争大体划分为哪几个阶段?(3)”我们中国人民,半世纪以来受尽了日本帝国主义的侵凌欺压……1937年七七以后,日寇进一步进行大规模的侵华战争,蹂躏我国土,屠杀我同 September 2005, we Dandong ordinary high school conducted some subjects of the final exam. In the comprehensive liberal arts exams, there is the following historical test: 2005 is the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. According to the following questions: (1) “Pier is full of burnt corpses on the pier, a pile of one, piled into a dead mountain, in the corpse between fifty to a hundred or so of the figure slowly moving, those who The body was dragged to the river and into the river, moaning, bright red blood, crampy hands, and mute silence left a deep impression on us. ”(Quoted from the High School“ Modern Chinese Modern History ” This is a Japanese journalist’s account. Do you know what major historical event he described? When did the incident occur? (2) “To sum up, Japan’s strengths are its strength of war and its shortcomings are at the heart of its war In its lack of manpower and material resources, its strength in its international situation is trivial .... China’s weakness is the weakness of its forces of war, whose strength lies in the progressiveness and justice of its essence of war, A large country, with the help of its international situation .... ”In the light of this, the long-term nature of the war and the cruelty that followed it are obvious. The enemy can not fully annex China but can occupy quite a lot of places in China for a relatively long period of time. China can not expel Japan quickly, but most of its land will remain China. The last is the defeat of my victory, but must go through a difficult journey. “This is the general view of a man who published the Anti-Japanese War in less than a year after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Could you please name him and what is the title of the article he wrote? Based on this understanding (3) ”We, the Chinese people, have been bullied by Japanese imperialism for half a century ... After the 1967s and the 1947s, the Japanese aggressors conducted a large-scale invasion The war in China devastated my soil and slaughtered me
<正> 本文资料系1965年8月我院师生与吐鲁番人民医院协作调查的结果,标准血清系附院检验科制备,其凝集价符合要求,血型鉴定用玻片法。调查对象中有维吾尔、汉、回、乌兹别克