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十一届三中全会以来,我国在所有制结构方面的改革取得了重大进展,因原来单一的所有制结构改变为现在的以公有制为主体的多种经济成分并存的多元化的所有制结构.个体私营经济从无到有,逐渐发展成为我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分.对个体、私营等非公有制经济,十五大报告中明确提出:“要继续鼓励引导,使之健康发展.”回顾改革开放的20年,可以看出,个体私营经济的发展过程,就是认识不断提高、思想不断解放的过程.建国后到1956年底,经过全国范围的对资本主义工商业和手工业的社会主义改造,私营工商业和个体手工业所剩无几,到“文化大革命”后期,基本消除了私有经济.1978年12月,新中国历史上具有伟大转折意义的十一届三中全会,虽然没有直接提出改革单一的所有制结构,但是,邓小平提出的允许一部分人先富起来的分配理论,说明的不仅仅是分配制度的改革,而且预示着下步的所有制改革.随后,首先是劳动部门打破了以往就业由国家包下来的局面,实行了介绍就业、自愿组织起来就业和自谋职业相结合的方针.就业制度的放开,既为国家和政府卸掉了包 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, great progress has been made in the reform of the ownership structure in our country because the original single ownership structure has changed into a diversified ownership structure with the diversified economic components now dominated by public ownership. From scratch, it has gradually developed into an important part of China’s socialist market economy. In the report to the 15th National Congress of the non-public sector including individuals and private sectors, it was clearly stated in the 15th National Congress that “we must continue to encourage and guide the healthy development of our economy.” Reviewing the Reform and Opening-up We can see that the process of individual and private economic development is the process of continuous improvement in understanding and continuous emancipation of the mind.After the founding of the People’s Republic until the end of 1956, after a nationwide socialist transformation of capitalist industry, commerce and handicrafts, private industry and commerce and In the late 1978 “Cultural Revolution”, the private economy was basically eliminated. Although the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China, which made great contribution to the history of new China in December 1978, did not directly propose the reform of a single ownership structure, However, Deng Xiaoping’s theory of distribution that allows some people to get rich first means that not only The reform of the distribution system, in the meanwhile, heralded the next step of the reform of the ownership system, and first of all the labor department broke the previous package of employment by the state and introduced the principle of introducing employment, combining voluntary employment with self-employment. The liberalization of the system has given both the country and the government a package
目的:建立亚贡叶不同提取条件的HPLC指纹图谱。方法 :采用变换波长检测法建立亚贡叶不同提取条件的HPLC指纹图谱,标定其共有峰并对两种指标性成分进行定量检测。结果 :对亚贡
Park-and-ride (P&R) facilities can alleviate the traffic burden in central urban areas by enabling car drivers to park at the perimeter of congested areas and c
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英国威尔士社会与经济研究所于近日发布了一份有关威尔士中学生就寝时间和睡眠状态的研究报告。在威尔士报告发表之前,英国格拉斯哥大学曾就青少年晚上使用社交媒体会大大增加孩子患上焦虑和抑郁风险这一话题发表过文章。  报告后来显示,在参与调查的800多名中学生中,有20%的孩子每晚都会用移动设备阅读或者发信息,而孩子花在社交传媒上的时间和精力所产生的负面影响和身体伤害,会远远大于人们所想象,而这份研究也引起