西北组召开会议 加速渔业发展

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“三北”地区技术经济协作组西北组研讨年会于1996年10月8日至9日在宁夏回族自治区首府银川市召开。二十多名代表参加了会议,宁夏回族自治区农业厅副厅长金泽安出席了年会。农业部渔业局、全国水产技术推广总站也派员参加了会议。会议还特邀了山东省水利厅的专家介绍了水库银鱼移殖和网箱养鱼的经验。 这次参加会议的有西北各省、区科研、行政、推广等各方面的代表。会议期间,代表们认真交流了一年来渔业工作的经验教训,研究了发展西北渔业的战略措施,讨论了各省、区发展渔业的目标。大家认为要继续发扬老区人民艰苦奋斗的创业精神,抓住国家经济建设战略中心西移的有利时机,大力发展西北渔业,既要抓产量,更要抓质量和效益;加强联合开发和合作攻关,充分发扬西北组的协作作用,加速发展西北渔业。 The “North North” Regional Technical and Economic Cooperation Group The Northwest Group Seminar was held in Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region from October 8 to October 1996. More than 20 representatives attended the meeting, and Jin Ze’an, deputy director of the Agriculture Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, attended the meeting. Fishery Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, National Fisheries Technology Extension Station also sent staff to attend the meeting. The meeting also invited experts from the Shandong Provincial Department of Water Resources to introduce the experience of reservoir silverfish migration and cage fish culture. Attending this meeting are all representatives from various provinces and regions in the northwest, such as scientific research, administration and promotion. During the meeting, delegates earnestly exchanged experiences and lessons from the fishery work in the past year, studied strategic measures for developing the northwest fishery, and discussed the objectives of developing fisheries in all provinces and autonomous regions. Everyone thinks it is necessary to continue to carry forward the hard-working pioneering spirit of the people in the old areas and seize the favorable opportunity of moving the strategic center for national economic construction to the west. To vigorously develop the fishery in the northwest, we must not only pay attention to output but also grasp the quality and efficiency; strengthen joint development and cooperation in tackling key problems, Give full play to the synergies of the Northwest Group and speed up the development of the Northwest Fisheries.
<正> 穴位注射疗法的临床应用日趋广泛,为发展和普及这一独特的腧穴外治法,将1992年上半年我们的临床应用情况浅述如下。1用于外科疾病的治疗脊柱骨质增生症用当归针2ml加骨
(三) 加强饲养管理。 鱼生病很大程度取决于饲养管理情况和水体情况。因此,加强饲养管理,改善水质,注意操作是重要的防病措施。 1.加强日常管理:鱼塘要有专人管理,做好记录