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千山,又称积翠山、千顶山、千华山、千朵莲花山,位于辽宁省中部,距中国钢都鞍山市中心17公里,总面积125平方公里。千山系长白山余脉,东依鸭绿江,西俯大辽河,南邻渤海湾,北接长白山,有轰动海内外、被称为世界奇观的“天成弥勒大佛”坐落其间,时任中国佛教协会会长赵朴初先生亲笔题书“千山弥勒大佛”。现在,于每年6月举办的千山大佛节,将宗教活动推向高潮,探奇者、朝拜者络绎不绝,堪称佛教盛事。千山绝美的风景和种种奇特景观令人倾倒,令人心醉。她具有普陀之幽、峨眉之秀,其石不逊九华,其松胜似五台;她无峰不奇、无石不峭,无庙不古、无处不幽,有“松涛万壑千岩响,连云松海拍天浪”之美誉。明代进士张鳌曾如是赞美千山:“孤亭不忍别,更上翠微间,南海八千路,辽东第一山。” Qianshan, also known as plot Cuishan, Mount Top, 1000 Huashan, thousands of Lotus Hill, is located in the central Liaoning Province, China Steel City, Anshan City Center 17 kilometers, with a total area of ​​125 square kilometers. Qianshan Department of Changbai Mountain Veins, according to the East Yalu River, West Liaohe River, south of Bohai Bay, north of Changbai Mountain, a sensation at home and abroad, known as the wonders of the world, “Tiancheng Maitreya Buddha” is located in the meantime, President Zhao Puchu personally wrote a book “Qianshan Maitreya Buddha ”. At present, the Qianshan Buddhist Festival held in June each year culminates in religious activities. The explorers and pilgrims in an endless stream are regarded as Buddhist events. Qianshan beautiful scenery and all kinds of unique landscape is dazzling, very enchanting. She has the seclusion of Putuo, the show of Emei, his stone is inferior to Jiuhua, and its pine is like five; she is splendid, stoneless, templeless, everywhere “ Rock ring, even the Polaris sea waves ”reputation. The Ming Dynasty Jinshi Zhang Ao was like to praise Qianshan: “Guoting can not bear to say no, more Cuiwei, the South China Sea eight thousand, Liaodong first mountain.”
肠道病毒这个名称是1957年肠道病毒会议根据Poliovirus、Coxsackievirus、ECHO virus主要栖息于人的肠道而被采用,现在它是Picornavirus科中一个属,已知人肠道病毒共有72个
Objective:To investigate the preventive effects of Qiangzhi Decoction(羌跖汤,QZD) on influenza A pneumonia through inhibition of inflammatory cytokine storm in
目的 :研究复方二甲双胍胶囊在健康受试者体内的药物动力学和相对生物利用度。方法 :2 0名男性志愿者随机交叉口服复方二甲双胍胶囊 (试验药 )或合用二甲双胍片 格列本脲片
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