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为探讨寄生蜂在Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci替代B型烟粉虱的过程中是否起作用,我们在实验室条件(温度27±1℃,光周期16L:8D,相对湿度RH70%~80%)下,观察了浅黄恩蚜小蜂Encarsia sophia寄生B型和Q型烟粉虱若虫的行为,研究了浅黄恩蚜小蜂对B型和Q型烟粉虱若虫的选择性、烟粉虱生物型对浅黄恩蚜小蜂取食数量及个体发育的影响。结果发现,浅黄恩蚜小蜂体外检测时间在B型和Q型烟粉虱若虫间差异不显著,而寄生Q型烟粉虱若虫时的体内检测和产卵时间(190.2±14.6s)显著高于寄生B型时所用时间(140.0±7.5s)。在非选择条件下,浅黄恩蚜小蜂寄生B型烟粉虱若虫的数量(8.1±0.5头)及总产卵量(9.3±0.6粒)显著高于仅提供Q型烟粉虱的寄生数量(6.3±0.5头)及总产卵量(7.0±0.6粒);而被寄生若虫单头着卵量在处理间差异不显著。在选择性条件下,该蜂寄生B型烟粉虱若虫量(3.1±0.4头)、总产卵量(3.8±0.5粒)及被寄生若虫单头着卵量(1.2±0.1粒)都显著高于寄生Q型烟粉虱时的情况(1.8±0.3头、1.8±0.4粒、0.7±0.1粒)。被寄生蜂取食的B型与Q型烟粉虱数量间差异不显著,但对于同一生物型而言,交配过的雌蜂能够取食更多的烟粉虱若虫。以B型烟粉虱为寄主时,浅黄恩蚜小蜂雌蜂卵-黑蛹(7.2±0.1d)、黑蛹-羽化(5.2±0.1d)的发育时间与以Q型烟粉虱若虫为寄主时的相应发育时间(7.3±0.1d,5.6±0.1d)间无显著性差异。以B型烟粉虱为寄主时寄生蜂的羽化率(73.55%±1.42%)与以Q型烟粉虱为寄主时的羽化率(68.42%±13.01%)间差异不显著。这些结果表明,虽然浅黄恩蚜小蜂发育时间、羽化率在烟粉虱2种生物型间无显著差异,但该小蜂倾向于B型烟粉虱若虫作为寄主,而且,以B型烟粉虱若虫为寄主时,小蜂的产卵量和寄生若虫数量均增加。但田间浅黄恩蚜小蜂的存在是否有助于Q型烟粉虱成为B型和Q型混合种群的优势种群,还需进一步研究。 In order to investigate whether parasitoids play a role in Bemisia tabaci alternative to Bemisia tabaci Q biotypes, we investigated the effects of Bemisia tabaci Q on Bemisia tabaci B (QB) in laboratory conditions (temperature 27 ± 1 ℃, photoperiod 16L: 8D, relative humidity RH70% ~ 80% ), The behavior of Encarsia sophia parasitized B and Q-type whitefly nymphs was investigated, and the selectivity of B. tabaci B-and Q-type B. tabaci nymphs was studied. Influence of the Type on Feeding Number and Development of. The results showed that the detection time and the oviposition time of B. gifuensis in vitro were no significant difference between the B and Q biotype nymphs, while that of the parasitic Q biotype nymphs was significantly (190.2 ± 14.6 s) Time spent on parasitic B type (140.0 ± 7.5 s). Under non-selective conditions, the number of parasitic B-type B. tabaci (8.1 ± 0.5) and the total fecundity (9.3 ± 0.6) were significantly higher than those parasitized only for Q-type whiteflies (6.3 ± 0.5) and total fecundity (7.0 ± 0.6). However, there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid by parasitic nymphs between treatments. Under selective conditions, the number of bee-bursal B. tabaci B (3.1 ± 0.4), the total fecundity (3.8 ± 0.5) and parasitic nymphs (1.2 ± 0.1) were significant Higher than the parasitic Q-biotype whitefly (1.8 ± 0.3 head, 1.8 ± 0.4 grains, 0.7 ± 0.1 grains). There were no significant differences in the numbers of type B and Q biotypes fed on the parasitoid, but in the same biotype, the mating female could consume more B. tabaci nymphs. When B. tabaci B was used as host, the developmental time of egg-black pupal (7.2 ± 0.1d) and black pupal-emergence (5.2 ± 0.1d) There was no significant difference in the corresponding developmental time of host (7.3 ± 0.1d, 5.6 ± 0.1d). There was no significant difference in the emergence rate of parasitoids (73.55% ± 1.42%) when B. tabaci B as host and the emergence rate of Q-biotype B. tabaci (68.42% ± 13.01%) as hosts. These results indicated that although the developmental and emergence rates of B. gigas were not significantly different between the two biotypes of B. tabaci, the B. napus tended to be the host of the B. tabaci B-type nymphs. In addition, When louse nymphs were host, the number of spawning and parasitic nymphs increased. However, whether the presence of A. gmelini in the field could help Q-biotype Bemisia tabaci become the predominant population of B-type and Q-type mixed populations needs further study.
我院自1997年1月至1998年12月应用氧氟沙星(北京产)治疗糖尿病合并细菌感染26例,获得明显疗效,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 26例病人均为非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDD
研究中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator Haliday对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera Hbner幼虫及其为害棉株的趋性行为,可为高效应用中红侧沟茧蜂控制棉铃虫提供理论依据。本研
我们使用蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗高血脂症70例,治疗前后对血脂水平及血液流变学进行对比分析,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 高血脂症70例,男40例,女30例。年龄40~70岁,平均
妇女可能会因为子宫的某些病变而行子宫切除 ,但术后约 2 4 %患者会出现盆腔的慢性疼痛[1,2 ] ,并需进一步治疗。经临床观察发现可引起子宫切除后盆腔疼痛的原因有 :1 阴道
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