
来源 :四川省社会主义学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DeadManWalk
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参政党民主监督制度是我国多党合作和政治协商制度的重要内容,是我国社会主义监督体系的重要组成部分,但制度设计与运行现状之间却存在着一定的矛盾,使参政党民主监督在实践中遇到了困难。矛盾的原因既有监督程序、制度不健全的因素,也有不按制度程序、制度操作的情况;既有参政党政党意识不足,监督力度不够的原因,也有党委、政府部分领导民主意识不强,不愿接受监督的因素;既有党委、政府对党外监督重视不够的情况,更有参政党代表性削弱,监督针对性不足、缺乏主动性的原因。解决这些矛盾,需要执政党和参政党的共同努力。 The system of democratic supervision of the participating parties is an important part of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation in our country. It is an important part of the socialist supervision system in our country. However, there are some contradictions between the current system design and the actual situation of the operation. Difficulties encountered in practice. The reasons for the contradiction include not only the supervisory procedure, the imperfect system, but also the non-compliance with institutional procedures and system operation. The lack of awareness of political parties and lack of supervision are not the only reasons for the contradictions among political parties. Some leaders of the party committees and governments do not have strong democratic awareness, Unwilling to accept the supervision of the factors; both the party committees and governments oversight of the party not enough emphasis on the situation, but also the weakening of the representation of the participating parties, monitoring the lack of pertinence, the lack of initiative reasons. To solve these conflicts requires the joint efforts of the ruling party and the participating parties.
由于历史原因 ,土改时已登记为国有的房产 ,流失的情况较为严重。在改造旧城 ,提高城市品位的建设中 ,抓紧清理、汇集土改时登记为国有房产的原始档案 ,对防止和减少国有资产
档案分类是一项十分重要的工作,了解旧中国档案分类工作概况,研究当时的分类原理和方法,对我们今天的档案管理具有重大意义. File classification is a very important task
连日来,五征农用车迎来销售旺季,日销售突破2 000辆,较往年同期增长20%,创造了五征农用车销售史的新记录。在五征农用车发货场,四个装载塔吊正在紧张有序地往运输车辆上吊装
8月22日,2014高球时尚风潮由中国第一快时尚高尔夫服装品牌Carrie G在深圳市最具科技与艺术结合的绿景虹湾体验中心热力引爆。活动当晚,在未来时尚派的虹湾体验中心,商界名流
3岁那年,一场大病使我失去了行走的能力——我患了儿麻痹症。懵懂的我还不知道,除了不能像别的孩子那样自由奔跑外,我还失去了许多属于我的快乐。 7岁时,我上学了。看到别的