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一、半径测量的重要意义立式罐是由若干层圆形圈板焊接而成,垂直于地基的圆筒形储罐。它的横截面可能有一定的椭圆度,但规程规定不允许超过1%,此时按圆筒进行容量计算,其椭圆度影响仅为2.5×10~(-5),对罐容量检测扩展不确定度(k=2)要求而言,可忽略不计。故立式罐容量计算数学模型国内外均按圆筒形进行计算。若不考虑罐体变形,则每圈板的容量为v_i=πR~2_ih_i(1)式中:Ri——第i圈板的内半径;h_i——第i圈板的 First, the significance of radius measurement Vertical tank is composed of several layers of circular plate welded together, perpendicular to the foundation of the cylindrical tank. Its cross-section may have a certain degree of ovality, but the rules do not allow more than 1%, according to the capacity of the cylinder at this time, its ovality degree of only 2.5 × 10 ~ (-5), the expansion of the tank capacity test is not The degree of certainty (k = 2) requirement is negligible. Therefore, vertical tank capacity calculation mathematical model at home and abroad are calculated according to the cylinder. If we do not consider the deformation of the tank, the capacity of each plate is v_i = πR ~ 2_ih_i (1) where: Ri - the inner radius of the i-th ring plate; h_i -
介绍了“国际科学、技术和工业情报服务发展前景”专题研讨会的情况。叙述了用户情报需求,情报检索和传递以及情报管理3个方面的各种观点。 Introduced the Symposium on the
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Dule Temple is located inside the west gate of the town of Jixian,Tianjin City.It was first built in the Tang Dynasty but the Front Gate and Mother Buddha Tower