Unit 4—4—4—4

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  1.The little girl treated herself so strictly in the training that her coach gave her the of taking leave whenever she wanted.
  A.commitment B.privilege
  C.convenience D.advantage
  2.You can look at the problem from different , so you had better not draw a conclusion too quickly.
  A.positions B.angles
  C.concepts D.catalogues
  3.Mr Smith, who often help passers-by repair their kites, said that what he did was not paid but on a basis.
  A.financial B.voluntary
  C.political D.random
  4.Jim hadn’t prepared ahead of time.What he said was not to our discussion at all in the meeting.
  A.similar B.familiar
  C.relevant D.equal
  5.The inspection revealed some faults that would have been overlooked.
  A.otherwise B.therefore
  C.furthermore D.nevertheless
  6.The city will no more than 10 thousand new car licenses each year in order to set a limit on the number of cars and improve the environment.
  A.witness B.evaluate
  C.distribute D.declare
  7.The medicine began to not long after it was taken.I felt much better.
  A.cease B.affect
  C.apply D.operate
  8.My camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
  A.adjusted B.exchanged
  C.contributed D.adopted
  9.Before leaving your house, make sure that all the windows are with locks and bars, which is necessary to keep thieves from breaking in.
  A.arranged B.sniffed
  C.secured D.donated
  10.Increased water use in the country has caused many rivers and lakes to , resulting in water shortages and great damage to the local ecosystem.
  A.run out B.dry up
  C.die out D.break up
  11.I’ll be back in Sydney in a because I’ve made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.
  A.fortnight B.sunlight
  C.tonight D.midnight
  12.The was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler.
  A.receipt B.concept
  C.interrupt D.attempt
  13.In the ancient Greek Olympics, only men were allowed to in it while women weren’t.
  A.congratulate B.appreciate
  C.communicate D.participate
  14.Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost.Even so, their influence should be very great.
  A.informal B.normal
  C.political D.skeptical
  15.As he works in a area, he visits his parents only occasionally.   A.accessible B.central
  C.remote D.peaceful
  16.It is reported that President will inspect the warships in Qingdao, marking the 65th of the founding of the PLA Navy.
  A.decade B.anniversary
  C.basement D.distribution
  17.I’m happy to you and in your letter I have learnt that you’re getting on well with your colleagues.
  A.hear of B.hear from
  C.suffer from D.recover from
  1.Unlike the parents who are always forcing their child to follow them, I would rather my son .(please)
  2.He was always sleepy and absent minded in class, so he what the teacher was saying then.(attend)
  3.We our new product tested out today, but our chief engineer said it was too early.(intend)
  4. president of the organization excited us all and we held a big party to celebrate it.(elect)
  5.One reason why the housing prices in Beijing are rising all the time is the over-crowded city desperately in great numbers.(squeeze)
  6.After graduation from High School, I will write a letter of thanks to .(assist)
  7.With more advanced technologies brought in, the economy of China is developing at a speed of .(think)
  8.After a thorough investigation, what we don’t doubt is the murder case.(involve)
  9.I know nothing about the accident which killed 3 people, except in the paper.(read)
  10.The photograph the wonder angle of light led to it winning first prize in a competition.(present)
  11.I am writing to tell you about the place I am working, some .(include)
  12.We were on a flight to Tokyo , I had left my camara home.(remember)
  13.I know you all about my life here.(die)
  14.I reach the school grounds, ,“good morning” to me from the boys.(be)
  15. with any ways that we can raise enough money to buy a new TV for the school? (come)
图表题解题思路:设问标题清方向、内容附注认真看、简单表格纵横比、复合图表分总合、数字必须变理论、时间主体不能少、现象一定有本质。  一、设问入手,明了问题  首先从问题入手,设问是试题的命题意图的直接表示,带有很强的指向性和限定性,据此就知道审题方向或出题人意图是“浅尝辄止”还是“细究深挖”。如“本题说明什么现象,反映了什么问题”,同学们可通过设问了解“不仅要指出现象,还应揭示其本质。”  二、四
“咳,咳,咳——”我自那间屋后经过,又听到从里面传出来的咳嗽声。  我从未听人叫过她的名字,只是听人称呼她为“韩奶奶”。因为庄上的人碰面都不喜欢叫人名字,只是称呼某人为“姓 + 称谓”,我便无从知道她的名字了,只是跟着别人这样称呼她。她的儿女和孙辈都外出打工了,只剩下她一人守着孤寂的三间房子,陪伴在她身旁的只有一只老猫。  她常年拄着一根拐杖。有时我回家,总是看见她一个人坐在庭院中发呆。儿时,我总
一、多项选择  1.Though Tom had worked with us for about a year, he didn’t leave us much .  A.expression B.impression  C.instruction D.explanation  2.In recent years, more and more high-rise buildings have b
一、多项选择  1.After a severe argument, they finally reached the agreement that the interest should be into three parts.  A.broke B.divided  C.separated D.torn  2.The host of the meeting checked the list o
一、多项选择  1.We should thank our school, teachers and our parents for they provide us a chance to knowledge.  A. require B.acquire  C.achieve D.enquire  2.The boss told her secretary, “Your report must b
一、多项选择  1.Once the selfish desire of a person , he is easy to make mistakes.  A.swells B.swallows  C.squeezes D.sweeps  2.I thought he was , but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.  A.shaving B.shrinki
2015年的湖北省高考考试大纲与2014年相比,考试范围与要求层次有一些微调:函数的概念与表示,由“掌握”变为“理解”;一元二次不等式与相应的二次函数、二次方程的联系,由“掌握”变为“理解”;考点增加了“定积分的简单应用”,要求为“了解”;考点增加了“参数方程与普通方程的互化”,要求为“理解”.这些变化不大,我们没有必要去刻意追求这些字眼的含义. 事实上,在2013年和2014年的试题中,就已经考
一、多项选择  1.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was provide for the homeless families.  A.furniture B.occupation  C.equipment D.accommodation  2.Opportunities for water are ev
一、多项选择  1.One of the first habits to be established in children is the that develops around bedtime and sleeping.  A.assessment B.routine  C.relationship D.affection  2.Although we grew up in differen
1. 下面这幅漫画描述的是古代雅典( )  他,他得离开雅典]  A. 确立财产等级制度 B. 建立公民陪审法庭  C. 扩大公民大会的权力 D. 实行“陶片放逐法”  2. 一名希腊人对波斯王说:“希腊人虽然是自由的,但他们受着法律的统治,他们对法律的畏惧甚于你的臣民对你的畏惧。”这段材料主要表明了( )  A. 古希腊是民主政体的发祥地  B. 波斯人非常赞赏希腊的制度  C. 波