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2006年9月7日上午,在吉林省宾馆礼堂,吉林省暨长春市庆祝第22个教师节大会隆重举行。当吉林省副省长陈晓光宣读完省委、省政府关于授予李元昌同志“竭诚奉献农村教育事业的好教师”荣誉称号的决定之后,省委书记王云坤为李元昌颁发了荣誉证书,省长王珉为李元昌佩带了绶带。在这次教师节庆祝大会上,李元昌同时被授予“吉林省教育系统师德标兵”称号,并被特邀作了事迹报告。李元昌,这位57岁的吉林省教育学院的中学语丈教研员,为普教界特别是中学界所熟悉。他是我国农村中学语文教改的先行者,被誉为“农村教改实践家”。1995年以来,他先后被评为全国劳动模范、全国中小学“十杰”教师、特级教师、教授、省管专家,并获香港伯宁顿孺子牛金球奖杰出奖,享受国务院特殊津贴。2005年,吉林省教育厅授予他“竭诚奉献农村教育的好教研员”荣誉称号。李元昌作为一位农村教改实践家,他最为突出的教改个性,就是热忱坚定、坚持不懈,至今依然走在农村教育的“乡间小路”上。 On the morning of September 7, 2006, the 22nd Teachers’ Day Festival was held in Jilin Provincial Hotel Hall and Jilin Province and Changchun City. After Chen Xiaoguang, vice governor of Jilin Province, read out the provincial government’s decision on awarding Comrade Li Yuanchang the honorary title of “a dedication teacher dedicated to rural education,” Wang Yunkun, party secretary, awarded Li Yuanchang a certificate of honor. Governor Wang Min is Li Yuanchang Wearing a ribbon. At the celebration of Teacher’s Day, Li Yuanchang was also awarded the title of “Moral Model of Education System in Jilin Province” and was specially invited to make a deaf report. Li Yuanchang, 57-year-old junior high school instructor of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education, is familiar to the general education community, especially the middle school. He is the forerunner of Chinese teaching reform in rural middle schools in our country and is praised as “rural education reform practitioner”. Since 1995, he has been awarded the National Model Worker, “Top Ten” teachers, top grade teachers, professors and provincial experts in primary and secondary schools all over the country. He has also won the Golden Prize of Bullock Bullock Awards in Hong Kong and enjoys the special allowance of the State Council. In 2005, Jilin Provincial Department of Education awarded him the honorary title of “good teacher for dedication to rural education”. Li Yuanchang, as a rural education reform practitioner, his most prominent personality of education and reform is his enthusiasm and perseverance. He still walks on the “rural path” of rural education.
  Objective: To observe the clinical outcomes of the superior gluteal neurocutaneous flap for sacrococcygeal pressure sores. Methods: Twelve cases with sacroc