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法国《巴黎日报》去年6月15日发表文章认为吸烟给男子的健康造成的危害同样也会危害到妇女,如引起心血管病、肺癌和膀胱癌等。而且它还会给妇女带来其它许多危害,特别是会影响她们的生殖活动和胎儿的健康。因为烟草中有一种物质有对抗雌激素的作用。烟草还能对微循环产生不良影响,因而引发一些皮肤病。 一、皱纹 大家都知道,吸烟能促使面部产生皱纹。美国《内科学纪事》1991年5月公布的一项研究报告说,烟龄1年到49年(按每天吸一包的量计算)的烟民,生皱纹的可能性会增加一倍,而烟龄在50年以上者,这种危险则会增加3.7倍。 The Paris-based Paris Daily newspaper published an article on June 15 last year that also considered the harm caused by smoking to the health of men as well as women, such as cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and bladder cancer. And it can bring many other hazards to women, in particular their reproductive activities and the health of the fetus. Because there is a substance in tobacco that works against estrogen. Tobacco can also have an adverse effect on the microcirculation, thus causing some skin diseases. First, wrinkles We all know that smoking can promote facial wrinkles. According to a study released in the May 1991 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine in the United States, smokers who smoked for 1 to 49 years (calculated as one pack a day) double their chances of wrinkles Those who smoke for more than 50 years have a 3.7 times increase in the risk.
看到优秀人才总是很欣慰,但没有比帮助过优秀人才成长更快乐的了。 It’s always nice to see the best people, but no happier than to help them grow.