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口语交际能力既是二十一世纪人才必备的基本素质之一,也是新课改下对学生在语文培养上的新要求,口语交际能力的培养是一个长期的、循序渐进的过程,所以在小学时期及时的对学生进行正常的口语交际能力锻炼就显得极其重要,口语交际能力不仅仅是锻炼学生听说能力,而且要求在交流过程中培养学生规范的口头表达能力,待人处事,言谈举止和临场应变能力,是少年儿童时期必备的素养之一,本文就从笔者本身的教学经验出发,简单谈谈个人对小学生口语交际能力培养的看法。 Oral communicative competence is not only one of the basic qualities of talents in the 21st century, but also a new requirement for students in language training under the new curriculum reform. The cultivation of oral communicative competence is a long-term and step-by-step process. Therefore, It is very important for students to conduct normal oral communicative competence in time. Oral communicative competence is not only to train students ’ability of listening and speaking, but also to develop students’ normative verbal skills, to deal with others, how to behave, Ability, is one of the essential qualities of children and adolescents, this article from the author’s own teaching experience, simply talk about personal opinion of pupils oral communicative competence.
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整本书阅读在当前得到了语文教育界普遍关注。推广整本书阅读不仅能够丰富初中学生阅读量,而且能够提升学生阅读品质,濡养学生心灵,促进学科核心素养养成。教学过程中,整本书阅读的监测与评价就显得十分重要。教师需要丰富检测与评价的方法,引进多媒体设备,提高评价合理性,为整本书阅读教学活动提供正确指导。一、学生阅读过程监测方法  初中生阅读过程监测方法有多种,常见方法主要有自我检查、互助检查、集体检查、教师检
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