How does healthy food benefit you?健康食品如何使人受益?

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  Are you students addicted to junk food? With these simple tips, you can eat right without turning mealtimes into a battle zone.
  Peer pressure and TV commercials for junk food can make your eating well an uphill struggle. It’s no wonder that your diets are built around convenience and takeout food.
  But switching to a healthy diet can have a great effect on your health, helping to maintain a healthy weight, avoid certain health problems, stabilize your moods, and sharpen your minds. A healthy diet can also have a great effect on one’s sense of mental and emotional well?being, helping to prevent condi?
  tions such as depression, anxiety and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Eating well can support your healthy growth and development into adulthood and may even play a role in lowering the risk of suicide in young people. If you have already been diagnosed with a mental health problem, a healthy diet can help you to manage the symptoms and regain control of your health.
  It’s important to remember that you aren’t born with a desire for French fries and pizza and an aversion to carrots. This conditioning happens over time as you are exposed to more and more unhealthy food choices. However, it is possible to reprogram your food cravings so that you crave healthier foods instead.
  The sooner you reprogram wholesome, nutritious choices into your mind, the easier you’ll be able to develop a healthy relationship with food that can last a lifetime. And it can be simpler and less time?consuming than you imagine. With these tips, you can grow into healthy and confident adults better.
  1. What’s the barrier when it comes to making you eat well?
  A. Too much pressure from study.
  B. Advertisements for junk food.
  C. Your busy schedule.
  D. Your lack of choice.
  2. What does paragraph 3 stress most?
  A. Your preference.
  B. Your development.
  C. Healthy food’s benefits.
  D. Healthy food’s categories.
  3. Who is the text likely to be intended for?
  A. Students.
  B. Scientists.
  C. Explorers.
  D. Teachers.
  Sentence for writing
  The sooner you reprogram wholesome, nutritious choices into your mind, the easier you’ll be able to develop a healthy relationship with food that can last a lifetime.
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