Characteristics of cylindrical surrounding-gate GaAs_xSb_(1-x)/In_yGa_(1-y)As heterojunction tunneli

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cytunyu
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A Ⅲ-Ⅴ heterojunction tunneling field-effect transistor(TFET) can enhance the on-state current effectively,and GaAs_xSb_1_x/In_yGa_1_yAs heterojunction exhibits better performance with the adjustable band alignment by modulating the alloy composition.In this paper,the performance of the cylindrical surrounding-gate GaAs_xSb_1_x/In_yGa_1_yAs heterojunction TFET with gate-drain underlap is investigated by numerical simulation.We validate that reducing drain doping concentration and increasing gate-drain underlap could be effective ways to reduce the off-state current and subthreshold swing(SS),while increasing source doping concentration and adjusting the composition of GaAs_xSb_1_xIn_yGa_1_yAs can improve the on-state current.In addition,the resonant TFET based on GaAs_xSb_1_x/In_yGa_1_yAs is also studied,and the result shows that the minimum and average of SS reach 11 mV/decade and 20 mV/decade for five decades of drain current,respectively,and is much superior to the conventional TFET. A III-Ⅴ heterojunction tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) can enhance the on-state current effectively, and GaAs_xSb_1_x / In_yGa_1_yAs heterojunction exhibits better performance with the adjustable band alignment by modulating the alloy composition. In this paper, the performance of the cylindrical surrounding-gate GaAs_xSb_1_x / In_yGa_1_yAs heterojunction TFET with gate-drain underlap is investigated by numerical simulation. We validate that reducing drain doping concentration and increasing gate-drain underlap could be effective ways to reduce the off-state current and subthreshold swing (SS), while increasing source doping concentration and adjusting the composition of GaAs_xSb_1_xIn_yGa_1_yAs can improve the on-state current. In addition, the resonant TFET based on GaAs_xSb_1_x / In_yGa_1_yAs is also studied, and the results shows that the minimum and average of SS reach 11 mV / decade and 20 mV / decade for five decades of drain current, respectively, and is much superior to the conventional T FET.
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