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绥棱县水利技术人员1984年以来在张祥渠下涵洞基础和阁山灌区五座桥梁设计和施工时,采用毛石石缝水捍砂技术。方法是在工程砌石体的最低层用大块毛石立砌,其块石缝隙用混合砂料灌满,待上满水后,再用插入式振捣棒捍实。这种施工方法的好处: 一是大石立着挤砌,一次砌高可达40厘米,有利于控制地下水;二是用振捣棒捍砂既保证了质量,又加快了进度;三是石缝水捍砂施工中需要用水,而水工建筑物基础部位又多处于地下水位以下,因此节省了砂浆砌石的抽水费用;四是节约了砂浆砌石所用的水泥,从而减少了投资。 Suining County water conservancy technicians since 1984 under the Zhang Xiang drainage culvert under the foundation and the five bridges in the design and construction of the Irrigation District, the use of rocky stone water to defend the sand technology. Method is to use the lowest part of the masonry building with large pieces of rock stone stand, the block rock filled with sand mixed with sand, to be filled with water, and then plug-in vibrators to defend. The benefits of this method of construction: First, the boulder standing squeeze puzzle, a puzzle up to 40 cm high, is conducive to control of groundwater; second is to use vibrator to defend the sand to ensure both the quality and speed up the progress; Third, the crevice The construction of water defense sand requires water, and the foundation parts of hydraulic structures are mostly below the groundwater table, thus saving the pumping cost of mortar masonry; fourth, saving the cement used for mortar masonry, thereby reducing the investment.
胰腺癌一直是危害人们身体健康的常见病 ,近些年发病率有上升趋势 ,每 10年增多 15 %左右。据 1985年统计 ,全世界胰腺癌发病率每年约为185 0 0 0例 ,其死亡 /发病比例为 0
为了研究水平直井段和弯曲井眼内管柱的屈曲及后屈曲特性 ,Tulsa大学建立了一套试验装置。他们就研究有静态内压及无静态内压条件下的轴向力传递问题进行了试验。同时还研究
我院应用普瑞博思混悬液治疗功能性消化不良 ,并测定胃排空功能 ,现总结如下。材料与方法一、病例选择 功能性消化不良 (FD) 37例。上腹饱、饮食差、胃区疼痛、嗳气、反酸等消
油溶释放气是济阳坳陷中浅层天然气的重要来源。文中应用盆地模拟技术 ,确定了济阳坳陷烃源岩大约在 390 0m进入大量生气窗。该坳陷烃源岩埋深较浅 ,以生油为主 ,仅在洼陷的