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对于中国科技近代化的开端,目前学界尚未达成共识,有以明代中晚期传教士来华带来西方科学知识为开端者,有以鸦片战争后林则徐、魏源为代表的新思想萌芽为开端者,也有认为中国科学技术近代化的开端为洋务运动。而事实上,洋务运动中西方科学技术的大量引进和广泛传播,促成了近代科技的发端,推动了中国近代化的进程。拟从军事与民用工业的发展、西方科学知识的引进以及科技人才培养三个维度,对洋务运动对中国科技的影响进行探讨。 For the beginning of the modernization of science and technology in China, at present no consensus has been reached yet. Beginning with the introduction of western scientific knowledge by missionaries in the late Ming Dynasty and beginning with the new ideas represented by Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan after the Opium War, Some also think that the beginning of the modernization of science and technology in China is the Westernization Movement. In fact, the massive introduction and widespread dissemination of Western science and technology in the Westernization Movement led to the onset of modern science and technology and promoted the process of China’s modernization. We intend to discuss the impact of the Westernization Movement on China’s science and technology from the three dimensions of the development of military and civilian industries, the introduction of Western scientific knowledge, and the cultivation of science and technology personnel.
1.生产 1985年产值约为26亿西德马克,其中包括:一一包装机械不带附属设备一一饮料包装机械预制件或备件一一金属装罐机械联邦德国加入作为在包装领域的世界主要制造厂商的美
报业竞争已进入品牌和专业竞争时代,作为《石家庄日报》的子报、燕赵大地第一家综合性生活类报纸,《燕赵晚报》的品牌之路是如何开创的呢? 石家庄日报社副社长冯立恒认为,对
There is a need to reassess the application of MELD and the impact of renal insufficiency with consideration for developing an algorithm with exception points t
前言 ISO(国际标准化组织)是各国家标准化机构(ISO成员团体)的世界性联合组织。国际标准的制订工作是通过ISO技术委员会进行的。凡对现有技术委员会的某课题感兴趣,成员团体