Pancreatic tuberculosis mimicking pancreatic carcinoma during anti-tuberculosis therapy:A case repor

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanyuqi0513
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Pancreatic tuberculosis(TB) is a rare condition,even in immunocompetent hosts.A case is presented of pancreatic TB that mimicked pancreatic head carcinoma in a 40-year-old immunocompetent male patient.The patient was admitted to our hospital after suffering for nine days from epigastralgia and obstructive jaundice.Computed tomography revealed a pancreatic mass that mimicked a pancreatic head carcinoma.The patient had undergone an operation four months prior for thoracic TB and was undergoing anti-TB therapy.A previous abdominal ultrasound was unremarkable with the exception of gallbladder steroid deposits.The patient underwent surgery due to the progressive discomfort of the upper abdomen and a mass that resembled a pancreatic malignancy.A biopsy of the pancreas and lymph nodes was performed,revealing TB infection.The patient received a cholecystostomy tube and recovered after being administered standard anti-TB therapy for 15 mo.This case is reported to emphasize the rarecontribution of pancreatic TB to pancreatic masses and obstructive jaundice. Pancreatic tuberculosis(TB) is a rare condition,even in immunocompetent hosts.A case is presented of pancreatic TB that mimicked pancreatic head carcinoma in a 40-year-old immunocompetent male patient.The patient was admitted to our hospital after suffering for nine days From epigastralgia and obstructive jaundice.Computed tomography revealed a pancreatic mass that mimicked a pancreatic head carcinoma.The patient had undergone an operation four months prior for thoracic TB and was undergoing anti-TB therapy.A previous abdominal ultrasound was unremarkable with the exception of gallbladder Steroid deposits.The patient underwent surgery due to the progressive discomfort of the upper abdomen and a mass that resembled a pancreatic malignancy.A biopsy of the pancreas and lymph nodes was performed,revealing TB infection.The patient received a cholecystostomy tube and recovered after being Administered standard anti-TB therapy for 15 mo.This case is reported to emphasize the rarecontribution Of pancreatic TB to pancreatic masses and obstructive jaundice.
一、荷花豆腐 原料:鸭蛋12个,豆腐茸 150克,番茄2个,火腿末10克,味精2.5克,淀粉25克,鸡茸150克,水发香菇末10克,葱姜汁10克,肥膘茸50克,精盐4克,料酒10克,蛋清3个,清汤500克
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