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我爱戏曲,从小至今。爱看戏里的红妆书生,彩袖青衫翩然出来的深情旖旎;爱听戏里的锣鼓管弦,敲击弹拉出来的欢喜忧伤;爱品戏里的精彩华章,每一句唱词都能回味成满口余香;爱想戏里的人伦教义,醒世教化。琴声响过,丝帏拉开,才子佳人、帝王将相便上演着几千年的山河家国。于是,人世间所有的悲欢离合、爱恨情仇都寄情在戏里。年幼时喜欢看戏,只是喜欢唱戏时的热闹,每到秋收时节,村里总要请来戏班唱几天大戏。那时家里也定会多了一群缠着小脚的老太太,都是外婆和祖母请来的老姐妹,记不得哪个是姑姥姥,哪个是姨奶奶,只记得她们来时,竹 I love drama, since childhood. Love to watch the red makeup scholar in the play, sleeves Pathetic come out of the affectionate beauty; love to listen to the gongs and drums percussion play, percussion pull out joy and sorrow; wonderful love articles play, every one of the lyrics can be aftertaste Full of fragrance; love the game of human relations doctrine, wake up education. The sound of the piano sounded, silk 帏 opened, wit and woman, the emperor will staged thousands of years of mountains and rivers home country. As a result, all the world’s joys and sorrows, love and hate love are in love in the movie. When young, like to watch the show, just like singing lively, every autumn harvest season, the village always invited to the opera to sing a few days drama. At that time the family will certainly be more than a bunch of old lady wrapped around the feet, are grandmothers and grandmothers invited older sister, which is not grandmother grandmother, which is Auntie, just remember when they come, bamboo
The toxicity of 12 kinds of bactericides against the pathogen of cassava bacterial blight( Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis) was determined by toxic medium
国际标准ISO 10 32 6 1-1999《机械振动—评价车辆座椅振动的实验室方法 第 1部分 :基本要求》规定了通过车辆座椅传递振动给乘客的实验室试验的基本要求 ,给出了车辆座椅振动
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