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阳春三月,草长莺飞,旌旗招展,鼓乐喧天。3月6日,革命红色根据地潮阳市仙城镇东浮山村举行隆重简朴的小学校舍落成庆典。老区人民喜看崭新亮丽的校舍,笑逐颜开,情不自禁地齐赞各级党政、老同志情系老区,雪中送炭,功德无量,功在千秋。早在土地革命战争时期,浮山村是东江革命根据地前哨,率先组建农协会,树赤帜,挥长矛,村民出生入死为根据地送情报、送给养、反围剿,写下了辉煌的一页。解放后,由于地处交通不便的半山区,办学条件滞后,土木结构的平房校舍破烂狭小,村民急盼改造危校。去年,村党政班手抓住省市老促会建言献策,省政府拨款改造老区危 Spring March, grass long Ying fly, flags breeze, drum noises. On March 6, a grand and simple elementary school school building ceremony was held in Dongfushan Village, Xiancheng Town, Chaoyang City, a revolutionary red basement. The old people like to look bright and beautiful new school buildings, smiling, can not help but Qi praise at all levels of party and government, old comrades love the old, and helpless, merit, work in future generations. As early as the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Fushan Village was the outpost of the revolutionary base area of ​​Dongjiang. It took the lead to form the Agricultural Association, set up a tree and spear, and the villagers gave birth to and death as the base to send intelligence to send and raise anti-siege and wrote a brilliant page. After the liberation, due to the fact that it was located in a semi-mountainous area with inconvenient transportation, school conditions were lagging behind. Civil and residential bungalow buildings were sparsely populated and villagers were anxiously looking forward to transforming the dangerous places. Last year, the party and government officials in the village took the opportunity to offer advice and suggestions to provinces and municipalities, and the provincial government allocated funds to renovate the old district
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