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每年春秋两季,一些中等学校或小学,常写信来向我们征集根瘤菌菌种,还要求介绍根瘤菌的分离培养方法与显微镜的观察方法。的确,这是生物学或自然学中的一个重要课题,因为根瘤菌对农业生产的提高是起着巨大作用的。近几年来,我们在豆科绿肥(紫云英,苕子,泥豆等)根瘤菌方面,曾作过一些试验研究工作;也曾大批制造推广过它的拌种剂。现在将我们常用的根瘤菌的分离培养方法与显微镜观察方法,及在这些工作中的点滴体会,简明地介绍如下,以供读者参考。 Spring and Autumn every year, some secondary schools or primary schools, often write letters to collect Rhizobium species, also asked to introduce Rhizobium isolation and culture methods and microscopic observation. Indeed, this is an important topic in biology or natural science because rhizobial bacteria play a huge role in raising agricultural production. In recent years, we have done some experimental research on Rhizobium legume green manure (Ziyunying, razor clams, mud beans, etc.); and we have also made a large number of seed dressing products to promote it. Now we commonly used Rhizobia isolated culture methods and microscopic observation methods, and in these work bit by bit experience, concise introduction below, for readers reference.
一 基本情况 1979年冬,我们分别到福建、四川两省进行调查。除听课、召开座谈会以外,还选定六所学校进行了作文和语文知识测验。六所学校中参加测验的共十八个班,初中九个班
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