Research on the status quo of the education ecosystem in Tsinghua university

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  Abstract: Tsinghua university as the first batch of Chinese to conduct entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, the entrepreneurship education ecological system to the success of their students' entrepreneurial activities play an important role, at the same time, it is worth reference for China's colleges and universities. In this paper, through the study of Tsinghua university entrepreneurship education ecological system, analyses the specific components of the ecological system for entrepreneurship education of Tsinghua university and its operation situation, so as to have a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem.
  Key words: Tsinghua university; the entrepreneurship education ecological system; Research on the status quo
  1 The components of the education ecosystem in Tsinghua university
  1.1Intramural microsystem
  Education's curriculum system is the core of the university's effective entrepreneurship education, and also the key to launch the entrepreneurship education. Tsinghua university has set out to build the education system for innovation and entrepreneurship, which has formed an entrepreneurship course closely integrated with practice.
  Tsinghua university is one of the first universities in China to start an entrepreneurship education, which is not only having full-time teachers who teach the education curriculum, but also part-time teachers from the top of the enterprise. Teachers who teach entrepreneurship education are also relatively professional. There are teachers who teach theoretical courses and teachers who teach practical courses .
  Tsinghua university has a large number of entrepreneurial organizations, among which the fastest growing is the Tsinghua x-lab. Tsinghua X- lab was established in April 2013, relying on theinstitute of economic management. It is jointly constructed by 14 departments including the institute of economics and management of Tsinghua university and the institute of mechanical engineering. Also it has established a strategic cooperative partnership with Tsinghua science and technology park, Tsinghua holdings and Tsinghua entrepreneurs' association. Tsinghua X-lab is a nonprofit opening platform.
  Tsinghua university in 1999 held the first session of "challenge cup" college students entrepreneurial plan competition. It has held the 11th, has produced dozens of start-ups, making it successful of many students’ creativity. Business plan competition is a product of technological innovation and the integration of risk investment. The contestants team put forward a feasible idea, and according to the creativity to complete a business plan to get the investment of venture capitalist.   1.2External macro system
  In the entrepreneurship education ecological system, the government is the top designer, and the status is not trivial. In Tsinghua university entrepreneurship education ecological system, the government mainly providesthe field and policy support.In the aspect of the field, the government provides the Tsinghua university students entrepreneurship field, such as Tsinghua science park, and so on. In the aspect of the policy, giving tax breaks and other preferential policies for students to start a business.
  Because of the "brand effect" of Tsinghua university, the support and affirmation of social support is also an important support for the successful entrepreneurship of students in Tsinghua university. Tsinghua university has established a start-up funding system to help students with innovative and entrepreneurial ideas to help students make their ideas come true. The support mainly from outside the enterprise have two aspects: the funds and technology.On the funding to help students with new ventures.
  The support that alumni is also not negligible. The successful alumni of Tsinghua university will give back to their school in two forms. The first is to share their own successful experience. Tsinghua university has a special alumni organization, which will conduct entrepreneurial lectures on a regular basis and invite different alumni to share their own entrepreneurial success stories. Now, in the x-lab and student makers space association of Tsinghua university, there are alumni to guide students' entrepreneurial projects and solve the problems that students have encountered during the process of entrepreneurship. The other is donation.
  The communication between Tsinghua university and the international community is dominated by cooperation. It has established a global innovation academy with the help of university of Washington and Microsoft, and has enrolled students. Establish a design innovation base with Italian polytechnic university of Milan. Students are engaged in social practice activities in Europe and Middle East. In addition, Tsinghua university entrepreneurial organizations are also cooperating with many international organizations, such as Chinese entrepreneurship research center in Tsinghua university, Stanford university and MIT university.
  2 The operation of education ecosystem in Tsinghua university
  Entrepreneurship center of China, Tsinghua university, every year will carry out different conferences on entrepreneurship education, to discuss some problems,for example, the plight of the entrepreneurship education, the development direction and so on. In this way, the entrepreneurship education curriculum content can be updated in Tsinghua university, problems can be solved quickly, also make the students more extensive exposure to entrepreneurship education, and pass the entrepreneurship education concept and contents of the latest to students. Students who have been in business with education, will go into the school incubator with their ideas and creativity.Tsinghua university has many incubators, and Tsinghua x-lab is just one of them. After entering the x-lab of Tsinghua university, we will not only have practice site, but also have a chance to continue to study. The problems encountered in the Tsinghua x-lab can be helpful to the resident entrepreneurs and the school angels. When an idea is mature, it will be helped by the government, society, alumni and international community. If the idea goes to the market, a company will need to be established, and the government will have a preferential policy to exempt the tax. Funds can be applied to social venture capitalists through a start-up plan competition, or you can apply for a venture fund. In addition, there are several highly skilled professionals, such as machinery and automation, which can improve their innovation ability by discovering new technologies and patents.
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摘要:本研究主要探讨了沉迷网络游戏,孤独感,家庭支持之间的关系。将有效样本进行描述性统计分析、相关分析和阶层回归分析,研究结果发现:一,大学生沉迷网络游戏与孤独感之间呈正相关;二,家庭支持与大学生孤独感呈负相关;三,家庭支持对大学生沉迷网络游戏与孤独感有干扰作用。最后,对前述研究结果进行讨论,并提出研究建议与未来研究方向。  关键词:大学生;沉迷网络游戏;孤独感  一、研究背景  随着电脑和互联网
摘要:体育舞蹈是兼有艺术内涵,表现形体美和心灵美的一种体育运动项目。随着经济的快速发展,人们生活观念的逐渐改变,对激情和自由精神追求,体育舞蹈也很快进入并扎根于河南师范大学且得到了高速发展,为同学们所喜爱。到目前为止,河南师范大学已经将体育舞蹈设置为独立的专项课与公修课。  关键词:体育舞蹈;河南师范大学;教学现状  1研究依据  自体育舞蹈传入中国后,得到了不断的发展和完善,尤其在高校也得到了广
随着我国高校的大规模扩张以及人口增长因素影响,毕业生人数屡创新高,“大学生就业形势严峻”“史上最难就业季”,近些年来每到毕业季这类论调就会出现,2016年应届生数量达到765万人,比2015年增加16万人,刷新历史记录。毕业了,到哪里去就业,成为许多应届毕业生为之焦虑的事情。大学生就业难正成为时代趋势,这源自于人口结构的变化,而大学生自身就业能力的不足无疑是一个重要原因。  一、大学生就业能力概述
摘要:根据网上调查显示,几乎所有的90后都從小学开始就学习了英语这门功课,直到现在的大学,英语也是一门不可或缺的学习课程,但是如何有效的学习它,一直让许多学生党们感到困惑与不解!爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师”。浓厚的学习兴趣,可以使人集中力量,深入思考。如果让你去做一件你毫无兴趣的事,你根本无法做好,任何事如此,英语学习也不例外。本文就有效学习英语的一些方法进行解析!  关键词:英语
摘要:大学生是社会发展过程中非常宝贵的人才资源,其直接关系到祖国的未来、民族的希望,直接决定了党和国家的命运,因此需要对大学生思想政治教育质量给予高度的重视。在对大学生进行思想政治教育过程中,学生自身因素、家庭环境因素、学校教育因素等都会对其产生或多或少的影响,此时就需要对其进行全面的分析,然后制定有效的应对策略,从而为提高大学生思想政治教育质量提供保证。  关键词:大学生;思想政治教育质量;影响
摘要:随着社会的发展,信息化时代的到来,人类已经进入网络新媒体生活模式。本文针对微信公众平台在高校学生工作中的应用进行研究,论述了微信公众平台的含义与重要性,微信公众平台的特点,微信公众平台在高校学生工作中应用的重要性,以及微信公眾平台应用于高校学生工作中的建议。  关键词:微信公众平台;高校;学生管理;工作  前言:微信公众平台能够推送丰富的内容,实时进行校方与学生间的交流,并且操作简便节省时间
摘要:大学生处于思想困惑和心理问题高发的年龄阶段,本文分析了大学生常见的心理问题及其产生的主要原因,并结合的大学生的实际,提出了切实可行的培养大学生健康心理的途径和方法,以求能够帮助大学生健康成长成才,为祖国事业发展贡献力量。  关键词:大学生;健康心理;途径和方法  我国大学生大多数处于18—24岁这一年龄阶段,学术界把人生的这个阶段定位于青年中期。根据传统说法大学生已经是成年人,其个体的生理发