Metallurgical Applications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eeee_188
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This paper reviews the current applied research of the pulsed electromagnetic field in the metallurgical area of solidification,plastic deformation and electro-deposition.The possibilities of developing the field applications are analyzed when viewing from the processes of the metallurgy industry.It covers refining grain in the solidification process under the pulsed electromagnetic field,rolling of the thin plate deformation with the help of the electro-plastic effects by the pulsed power supplies and pulsed plating of pure metals or alloys onto the surface of the running steel strip. This paper reviews the current applied research of the pulsed electromagnetic field in the metallurgical area of ​​solidification, plastic deformation and electro-deposition. The possibilities of developing the field applications are viewed from the processes of the metallurgy industry. Information covers refining grain in the solidification process under the pulsed electromagnetic field, rolling of the thin plate deformation with the help of the electro-plastic effects by the pulsed power supplies and pulsed plating of pure metals or alloys onto the surface of the running steel strip.
Computational models are developed to create grain structures using mathematical algorithms based on the chaos theory such as cellular automaton,geometrical mod
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