
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjzxf
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为评价输精管绝育术对人群健康的远期影响,采用三年一次性回顾结合两年随访的历史前瞻方法,对具有代表性的四川省盐亭县25岁以上(含25岁)男性绝育人群(占20.55%、平均绝育年限15.25年)及未绝育人群(占79.45%)在五年中的死亡、寿命、死因进行了比较研究。结果表明:两类人群平均死亡率为9.02和13.37‰,平均标化死亡率为12.46及12.57‰(u=0.20),期望寿命e_(25)为46.43及45.85岁,e_(70)为11.38及11.06岁;绝育组各主要死因均低于未绝育组,相对危险(OR)均低于1,说明两组人群在总的健康上无差别显著性,绝育术对人群远期健康总的无明显影响。同时,由于某些年龄段绝育组死亡较高、期望寿命较低、死因顺位与未绝育组的不一致及疾病相对危险的差异,不排除绝育对某些疾病存在一定影响,值得进一步研究。 To evaluate the long-term impact of vas deferens sterilization on the health of the population, a three-year historical retrospective combined with a two-year follow-up was used to evaluate the long-term effects of vas deferens sterilization on the health of the population aged 25 years and above (including 25 years old) Accounting for 20.55%, the average period of sterilization was 15.25 years) and those without sterilization (79.45%) were compared in the five years of death, life expectancy and cause of death were compared. The results showed that the average mortality rates of the two groups were 9.02 and 13.37 ‰, the average standard mortality rates were 12.46 and 12.57 ‰ (u = 0.20), and the expected life expectancy was 25%. 43 and 45.85 years old, e 70; 11.38 and 11.06 years; the main causes of death in the sterilization group were lower than the non-sterilization group, the relative risk (OR) was lower than 1, indicating that the two groups of people in general health No significant difference, sterilization on the overall long-term health of the population had no significant impact. At the same time, due to the higher mortality and lower life expectancy of the sterilization group in certain age groups, the discrepancy between the non-sterility group and the relative risk of disease does not rule out the influence of sterilization on certain diseases and warrants further study.
型钢混凝土构件的变形问题较为复杂,国内外只有为数不多的相关研究。为推动这方面的研究工作,本文以空腹式型钢混凝土梁为研究对象,对正常工作极限状态下SRC 梁的变形问题进行了
“他的足迹总和奇迹相伴,与第一相连”。这是2009年6月,“科学中国人第七届年度人物”评委会给他的颁奖辞。  大学毕业后到部队从事野外测绘工作22年,他的足迹踏遍西部“无人区”,翻越海拔4000米以上的高山200多座,河流千余条,行程240多万公里,相当于绕地球60圈。  扎根西北,他先后有7项科研成果填补国内测绘领域空白,荣获包括3个一等奖在内的18个军队科技进步奖,两次荣立个人二等功,被兰州军
以某大型体育馆为例,介绍其中41m 跨预应力屋面梁的设计方法。设计中考虑了多种施工过程对结构内力的影响,采用局部解除约束的工程措施减小预应力次内力的效果,以及预应力混凝土