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黟县农业职业学校是一九五八年办起来的。招收高小毕业生,实行半耕半读,三年毕业回乡从事农业生产。一九六三年增设了农业会计班,招收城镇初中毕业生,学习二年,毕业后到农村插队落户。六年来,该校已有毕业生四百零一人,除六十四人到机关和国营企、事业单位工作外,三百余人都回乡参加了农业生产劳动,其中不少人担任了公社团委书记、大队长、生产队长、会计、出纳、保管、记工员以及民办小学教师等职务。他们在农村中一边劳动、一边工作,表现很好,对巩固集体经济和发展农业生产起了显著的积极作用。社队干部和社员群众称赞农校毕业 Jixian County Agricultural Vocational School was established in 1958. Recruit graduates of high and minor schools, implement half-tillage and half-reading, and return to rural areas after graduation for three years to engage in agricultural production. In 1963, an additional agricultural accounting class was established to recruit junior high school graduates from towns and cities. After studying for two years, he jumped into the countryside to form a team. In the past six years, the university has 401 graduates. Except for 64 people working in government agencies and state-owned enterprises and institutions, more than 300 people have returned to the countryside to participate in agricultural production and labor, many of whom have served Secretary of the public association committee, leader of the company, production team leader, accountant, cashier, custody, employee and private primary school teacher. They work in rural areas while working, and they perform very well. They have played a significant positive role in consolidating the collective economy and developing agricultural production. Community leaders and members of the community praised the graduation of the agricultural school
人体內部的一道防綫 人的皮肤是一个完整的天然屏障,它可以阻擋病菌侵入体內。不但如此,皮肤的酸性很强,可以抑制病菌的生长,甚至有一定的杀菌作用。口腔中的粘膜,也能阻止
春天一到,江南一带的油菜就次第抽苔开花了。油菜是我国主要油料作物之一,菜籽的合油量很高,可达33—50%。 As soon as spring arrives, rapeseed blossoms in the south of
以往忽视档案工作,我有过不少的教训。如有一学期我调到一个乡村小学,那里不仅没有学籍档案,连上级的指示、通知等重要文件也无一 In the past, I neglected archival work and