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挪用公款用于虚假验资骗取公司登记的,应当认定为挪用公款进行营利活动,构成挪用公款罪。根据法律规定,挪用时间的长短不影响此类犯罪性质的认定;挪用公款数额巨大、已经退还的,应处五年以上有期徒刑。因此,挪用时间为一天以及挪用款项已退还的情况均已为立法规定所涵盖,属于挪用犯罪的常态,并非刑法第六十三条第二款中的“案件特殊情况”。除涉及国家和人民根本利益的特殊案件外,适用该条款予以减轻处罚的前提条件是,根据罪刑相适应原则,对被告人判处法定刑的最低刑还是过重的。而被告人将公款用于虚假验资本身,严重扰乱市场经济秩序。挪用公款数额又特别巨大,情节严重,具有较大的社会危害性,应当判处五年以上有期徒刑,不宜减轻处罚。 Misappropriation of public funds for false capital verification and fraud company registration shall be deemed as embezzlement of public funds for profit-making activities, constitute misappropriation of public funds. According to the law, the length of the embezzlement does not affect the identification of the nature of such crimes; if the misappropriation of public funds is huge and has been refunded, it shall be sentenced to not less than five years of fixed-term imprisonment. Therefore, one day of diversion and the refund of misappropriated funds are all covered by the legislative provisions and are the norm of embezzlement crime, not the “special case of the case” in the second paragraph of Article 63 of the Criminal Law. Except for special cases involving the fundamental interests of the country and the people, the prerequisite for mitigating the punishment by applying the article is that according to the principle of appropriate punishment for crimes, the minimum punishment for defendants in sentence of legal punishment is still too heavy. The defendant will be used for public funds false capital verification itself, seriously disrupting the market economic order. The amount of misappropriation of public funds is particularly huge. The circumstances are serious and have great social harmfulness. They should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and should not reduce their penalties.
江山美如画,张家界风景早如雷贯耳了,有 “奇峰三千、秀水八百”之说。当我的目光第一次触摸眼前的这方山水,就情不自禁地“啊”了一声,不禁为这里的山水美景所倾倒,目之所及,真是人间仙境。  张家界的山是由数千座奇峰异石构成的。这些石英砂岩峰柱经历了数亿年的风吹雨蚀,有的浑厚粗犷、险峻高大,有的怡秀清丽、小巧玲珑,虽高低大小不一,却一律岿然屹立。其色彩由于是石英砂岩的特殊岩质,使其峰体色彩没有任何苍白之
从实质上来看,涉案的跨国公司既是商业贿赂之风的受害者,同样也是中国商业环境的破坏者,而将自己扮演成纯粹受害者的角色,则是无视跨国企业社会责任的体现 In essence, the
本文对111例经病理检查证实的膀胱移行细胞癌作了血型的回顾性调查。发现其中 A 型和 AB 型血型明显高于正常人群的 A 型和 AB 型的血型分布(P