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病害靠病菌的分生孢子落在土壤中或随病残体遗留在土壤中越冬,也能在保护地韭菜等寄主上危害越冬。温度升高时,产生菌核越夏。每年秋末冬初,韭菜覆盖塑料薄膜后,便开始陆续发病。每次收割韭菜时,分生孢子散落土表,通过灌水、农事操作等,传到新生叶片上,引起反复再侵染。 Disease by the conidia of bacteria fall in the soil or disease residues left in the soil overwintering, but also in the protection of leeks and other host endangered overwinter. When the temperature rises, the sclerotinia produce summer. Autumn and winter each year, chives covered plastic film, they began to gradually onset. Leek harvest each time, the spores scattered soil table, through irrigation, agricultural operations, etc., reached the new leaves, causing repeated reinfection.
Cancer commonly arises at the sites of chronic inflam-mation and infection.Although this association has longbeen recognized,the reason has remained unclear.Wi
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