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  【Abstract】Metaphor as a rhetorical device is widely used in advertisements,many scholars has studied metaphors in advertisements from rhetoric and semantic perspectives.However with the development of cognitive linguistics,it provides a new aspect for metaphor study.Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but also a method of thinking.More efficient and positive information in advertisements can be conveyed to consumers by using cognitive metaphor.This paper explores the effect and influence of conceptual metaphor in commercial advertisement.
  【Key Words】metaphor; conceptual metaphor theory; commercial advertisement;
  In modern society,advertisement is an important part in our life.Not only important information,but also appreciative value can be conveyed to customers by Advertisement.The consumers are less interested in the advertising information itself,so a successful advertisement should attract people’s attention and impress them with special language expression,arousing their strong purchasing motivation.In order to achieve a desired effect,most of the time advertisement needs invisible and unconscious mental understanding.Metaphor as a rhetoric device has been widely used in advertisements.
  With the publication of Lakoff and Jonoson’s Metaphors We Live By,metaphor research transfers from language level to cognitive level.Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but also a method of thinking.The way we construal the world is based on several conceptual metaphor.Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) can explain the process how people understand advertisement.In a commercial,metaphor is an integration of words,images,sounds or meanings.More efficient and positive information in advertisements can be conveyed to consumers by using cognitive metaphor.
  Shu Dinfang (2000) treats metaphor as a cognitive phenomenon.Metaphor as a cognitive means is not only limited to language.It can also be applied to painting,building and other visual media of communication.Rather than basing on functional grammar,Huang Guowen (2001) discussed advertisements about headlines’ language function,narration in advertisements and ode from metaphor perspective.Metaphor can help us understand new things through the ones we already know.Wang Lihao (2004) explores the metaphorical multifunction of advertisement.Other scholars even study the dynamic construction of multimodal metaphor and metonymy in advertisements like Zhu Yongsheng (2007),Zhang Hui (2011) and Feng Zhengde (2011).   1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory
  Lakoff and Johnson’s published of Metaphors We Live By established the cognitive approach to metaphor.There are four basic concepts in conceptual metaphor: source domain,target domain,image schema and mapping.Xie Zhijun (2007) points out that the understanding of conceptual metaphor should pay attention to four points: (1) conceptual metaphor can be called metaphorical concept (2) “metaphorical concept” is not language expression itself though which limits the deep expression of language; (3) “metaphorical concept” is inducted from daily life; (4) metaphorical concept should have “generating” ability of language,that is its systematic character.
  Lakoff (1980) categorized conceptual metaphor as structural metaphor,orientational metaphor,and ontological metaphor.There are three kinds of metaphor according to Lakoff: structural metaphor,orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor.For example: “TIME IS MONEY” is a structural metaphor.Any word that can talk about money can be used to describe time.Time is as valuable as money in this sense.People spend time,waste time and save time.People can get a better understanding of time by the concept of money.“HAPPY IS UP” is an orientational metaphor.The fact that the concept HAPPY is oriented UP leads advertisement to express I’m feeling up.Metaphor involves a mapping from source domains to target domains.
  2 Conceptual Metaphor Used in Commercial Advertisment
  In advertisement,people use things known to all to explain what is new to us.The nature of metaphor is to combine two different domains together.Metaphor is regarded as an essential method of communication form used in commercial advertisement.So the advertising designer should find a delicate metaphor fitting to the product,and makes sure that this metaphor can convey the connotative information to the consumers.
  For example: Cars should eat their vegetables,too.
  The advertisement is from one of the world’s biggest petroleum companies in London.The headline,makes it clear that fuel to the car is just as the vegetable to human being.Human needs vegetables,so fuel is also essential for cars.In this advertisement,cars needing fuel is the target domain while human eating vegetables is the source domain.The car is personified as a person,and this personification metaphor can be further elaborated as car is a vegetarian.The advertiser wants to give an impression that the car as a vegetarian and he demanding about the food.The purpose of this advertisement is to arouse the address’s curiosity and pay special attention to the food一vegetable,for the car.This advertisement use delicate language and rhetorical device to catch people’s attention.   Metaphor is not only a kind of language phenomenon,but also a method of thinking.The metaphoric structure can not only express physical information but also cultural information.
  Pepsi’s advertisement in China and America,it refledts different cultural background in different countries..
  Taste that beats the other cold (America )
  Pepsi,the king of cold (China)
  The first one comes from America,while the second one comes from China.Advertisement in America implies equal and free competition.The word beat tells you even normal people can struggle to be famous and Pepsi also has the same experience.Once you have Pepsi,you’ll never want other cold.While Chinese culture stresses harmony and won’t use critical language.King is a noble notion and is the symbol of a country.The characters of king in the source domain can be reflected in Pepsi which is the target domain.This advertisement implies Pepsi’s nobility and its irreplaceable.By using cognitive metaphor,people can easily remember this cold and will have a well impression of it.The thinking pattern and cultural background can also expressed metaphor in advertisements.The commercial use this kind of strategy to sell their products.
  As it has shown above,combined with conceptual metaphor,the advertisement seems to be easier to understand and more acceptable to audience.It is much easier to get the quality of unknown things by what we already know.
  3 Coclusion
  In the new information era,advertisements appear everywhere,and most people cannot avoid being affected by ads.Advertisment as a special genre,has its own unique characters and elements.Metaphors play an important role in advertising.They arouse strong curiosity for the addressees to purchase or accept the products or services advertised.This paper explores the effect of conceptual metaphor in advertisement.
  After the Conceptual Metaphor Theory was raised by Lakoff and Johnson in 1980,the study of metaphor has become a hotspot in research,and numerous studies on metaphor are conducted.The study of conceptual metaphor used in advertisements has become a trend.However,blending theory is rarely explored compared to conceptual metaphor theory.Much work still need on blending theory explaining advertisements.
  [1]Edward, F.M.and J.P.Barbara, (2005) Indirect persuasion in advertising: how consumers process metaphors presented in pictures and words.Journal of Advertising, 34(2): 7-21.
  [2]Lakoff, G.
记得刚入行那几年被安排采访中国的企业家,说是采访,其实更多的是为接下来的电视访谈作准备。了解他们的经历,给他们整理一个脉络和线索,好让电视机前的观众们,能够在很短的时间里,听到一个激动人心的故事。  很简单对不对?做起来好难。这些在商场上摸爬滚打了几十年的人物,本来应该随随便便拿出一段故事就能让普通观众目瞪口呆,但实际上他们中却几乎没有一个能讲一段真正吸引听众的故事。说“几乎没有”,就是不乏例外。
陈立群:原杭州学军中学校长,2016年赴贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州台江县支教,担任台江县民族中学校长,2019年9月9日,被中宣部授予“时代楷模”称号。  2016年3月,陈立群第一次来台江做讲座。这一来,他走遍了黔东南州的16个县市,也是在一次次的往返途中,他看到了好多破旧的学校,也看到了许多蒙昧的孩子,他心想:“怎么还有这么落后的教育?”  正是出于这一思考,已经花甲之年且身体状况并不太好的陈
【摘要】提高听力应试技能是许多准备托福考试学生的迫切要求,但很多学生由于方法不得当而屡屡受挫。作者在大学课堂学习《英语口译基础》这门课程的过程中,不断探索口译笔记法的特点与价值,发现口译笔记训练法中的纵向记录、渐次换行、分层缩进、并列项条例分布和重复借用等方法对提高托福听力应试有非常大的帮助。  【关键词】口译笔记法 托福 听力应试技能  本人在备考托福考试中,托福的听力部分一直是我的软肋,这学期
张引墨  著名出版人、作家  著有《那个学期在雨中长大》《寻找温暖爱的方法》等书  有一次,我和一位北大哲学系毕业的女友聊天,我说了半天另一位女友的人生烦恼,然后问她:“你说我该怎么办呢?”她问我:“什么怎么辦?”我说:“我该怎么解决这位女友的人生烦恼呢?”她看了我一眼,说:“那是她的人生,是她的烦恼,你管得太宽,竟然管到别人的人生中去了!”  这句话真是我人生中获得的为数不多的金句之一,将要忙着
他的温暖无私无言,却充满力量。  我欣赏阳光的少年,因为无论何时,他的心总是向着阳光,和他相处是有温度的,经常令人有也要成为那种光源的憧憬。  元旦前夕,按照社团的惯例,大家是要相互写明信片的。而我作为社团的新成员,很荣幸地收到了来自高二学长学姐们的各种祝福,还收到了一份从遥远的“高三西伯利亚地区”发来的祝福,明信片上的字体清秀端正,写满了关心和期望,但最奇怪的一点是——这份来自高三的祝福竟没有署
我是一个科普作者,经常需要搜索科学方面的信息。现在网上有海量的信息,如果要靠自己的知识来判断所有信息的对错,那是不可能的,没有这么博学多才的人。更何况我并非一个“科班出身”的科普作家,作为文科生,我在写科普文章中慢慢练就了判断信息的能力。   古代的皇帝身边有一群谋士,帮助他们鉴别信息的真假。在现代,我们也可以在网络上找到自己的“谋士”,来判断科学知识的真伪。我举一个例子,来说明寻找“谋士”的过
【摘要】本文笔者根据自己的一节七年级英语书面表达课的实践,笔者深有感悟,把课堂教给学生,让学生主宰课堂,放手给学生,培养学生的自主学习、合作探究的能力,比教师苦口婆心讲效果好百倍。教学中,不能怕学生出错,而英语课往往因错误而精彩。  【关键词】初中英语 书面表达 错误 精彩课堂  有效课堂、精彩课堂是新课改下大家共同的目标,如何打造精彩课堂,让在课堂绽放光彩和魅力,仁者见仁智者见智。笔者在一节英语
红色枫叶 问:  上高中后,突然发现上课要很努力才能跟上节奏,完成作业也要费好大的劲,每天都好累。可我明明已经很努力了,为什么依旧感到心有余而力不足?难道这就是“高中速度”?新手上高速路,求支招!  陈 萍 答:  如何及时跟上传说中的“高中速度”,在高中初期踩准步伐节拍很关键。  首先,我们要了解高中学习的三个特点:1. 知识体系变庞大,学科增多,内容加深;2. 学习方式有所不同,主动性更强;3
青春期真是一个神奇的东西  各种莫名的冲动在身体里荡漾  想要诉说,想要独立,还有——  想要变得美丽  看时尚杂志会怦然心动  偶遇潮人会暗自留心  看着平凡的自己,总有一个声音从心底响起:  酷酷的时尚范儿,我该如何拥有你!  · 学生篇 ·  君左:时尚就是杂志上印的那些大牌服装吧,有些看着还不错,但有些真的“接受无能”,所以在我心里,时尚就是常人难以驾驭的东西。同样的衣服,穿在明星身上,搭