
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ufs6756dude
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贵州省扶贫开发工作,在党中央、国务院和省委、省政府的领导下,在各级各部门和社会各界的大力支持下,采取加强领导、减轻负担、增加投入、科技扶贫、部门承包、配套服务、以工代赈、兴办实体等措施,经过艰苦努力,取得了显著的成绩,按照“七五”期间国务院确定的解决温饱标准,已基本解决了贫困地区大多数群众的温饱问题。 但是,按农民人均纯收入300元计,1992年贵州省46个贫困县还有800多万贫困人口,190多万人和丹寨、睛隆2个贫困县农民人均纯收入在200元以下,这些贫困人口大多集中在自然条件恶劣、社会发育程度低的多灾区、石山区、高寒山区和少数民族聚居地区。仅麻山和瑶山地区就有30多万贫困人口生活在人均纯收入200元以下的极贫状态,46个贫困县还有360多万人饮水困难,230个乡不通公路,70%的村不通电,成年人文盲、半文盲率高达36.7%。据1993年对30个极贫乡调查统计,1992午农民人均纯收入仅197元,人均占有粮仅180公斤,吃返销粮的农户高达46%。 Under the leadership of the Central Party Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, with the strong support of all departments and departments at all levels in the province, Guizhou Province has taken the following measures: strengthening leadership, reducing burden, increasing investment, science and technology, poverty reduction, departmental contracting, Supporting services, work-for-work and entity-building. Through hard work, remarkable progress has been made. According to the standards set by the State Council during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” for solving the problem of food and clothing, the majority of the people in poverty-stricken areas have basically solved the problem of food and clothing. However, according to the net income of farmers per capita of 300 yuan, there were over 8 million poor people in 46 poor counties in 1992 in Guizhou Province. The net income of peasants in more than 1.9 million and Danzhai and Lianglong counties was below 200 yuan per capita, Most of these poor people are concentrated in the disaster-stricken areas with poor natural conditions and low levels of social development, Shishan District, alpine mountainous areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. In the areas of Ma Shan and Yao Mountain alone, more than 300,000 poor people live in very poor conditions with a net income of less than 200 yuan per capita. In 46 impoverished counties there are still more than 3.6 million people who have difficulty in drinking water, 230 have no roads and 70% do not Power, adult illiteracy, half illiteracy as high as 36.7%. According to the survey of 30 extremely poor townships in 1993, the per capita net income of farmers in 1992 was only 197 yuan, while the average grain per capita was only 180 kg. The number of peasants who returned food was as high as 46%.
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