
来源 :妇女研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgqlogin
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This article describes the harm of husbands using violence toward their wives and analyses the difficulties in eliminating such violence, such as the bi - directional characteristic of human rights, the financial dependence of the victims Of violence on the doers of violence, and the restrictions of the victims’ own mentality. According to the author, there are four ways to eliminate such violence: strict enforcement of the law, improvement of legislature, promotion of fine moral codes, and enhancement of the victims’ psychological qualities and coping abilities. This article describes the harm of husbands using using force toward their wives and analytics the difficulties in eliminating such violence, such as the bi - directional characteristic of human rights, the financial dependence of the victims of violence on the doers of violence, and the restrictions of the victims ’own mentality. According to the author, there are four ways to eliminate such violence: strict enforcement of the law, improvement of legislature, promotion of fine moral codes, and enhancement of the victims’ psychological qualities and coping abilities.
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创新,是时代的主题。如何才能促进创新,首推“科教”。科学、教育是立国之根本,兴国之大业。在这两方面的弄潮儿,难道不是最有风采的吗?  “中国预警机之父”王小谟院士从事的预警机研发,事关国家主权的捍卫,为了战争时期不被外国人卡脖子,他坚持认为“中国一定要有自己的预警机”。在预警机研制的关键时期,年近七旬的他经常爬上十几米高的预警机机罩。在夏日40摄氏度、冬日零下30摄氏度的机舱里和设计师们一起讨论方
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