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一九五四年工作總結一一九五四年是我省檢察工作大踏步向前發展的一年。我們在最高人民檢察院和各級黨政的領導下,在政法部門的密切配合和廣大羣眾的支持與全體檢察幹部的努力下,在繼續學習和逐步明確國家過渡時期的總任務、中華人民共和國憲法和人民檢察院組織法的基礎上,基本上貫徹執行了第二屆全國檢察工作會議的决議,正在進一步建設與加强着全省的檢察工作。一年來,我們根據第二屆全國檢 Summary of Work in 1954 1954 was a year for the procuratorial work in our province to make strides forward. Under the leadership of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the party and government at all levels, with the close cooperation of the political and legal departments, the support of the broad masses and the efforts of all the prosecutors, we continue to learn and gradually define the general tasks of the transitional period of the country. The People’s Republic of China The Constitution and the People’s Procuratorate, basically implemented the resolution of the Second National Procuratorial Work Conference and are further building and strengthening the province’s procuratorial work. In the past year, we have taken the second national inspection
老年人增加体重的方法  1. 除一日三餐外, 可适当增加2~3次间餐(或零食)来增加食物的摄入量。  2. 零食可选择能量和优质蛋白较高并且喜欢吃的食物,如奶酪、酸奶、坚果(牙口不好的可以选择坚果碎、坚果酱或带坚果碎的煎饼)等。  3.适量运动,促进食物消化吸收,減轻便秘,增加食欲。  4.加强社会交往,尤其是对于孤寡老人,要多跟朋友、邻居等聊聊天,调节心情,增进食欲。  5.保证充足的睡眠。睡眠
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宝宝什么时候出牙齿? 宝宝长牙了,要不要护理,怎么护理? 关于宝宝牙齿,确实需要引起重视。  宝宝什么时候长牙、换牙?  一般来说,宝宝6个月左右就会萌出乳牙。出牙的顺序会遵循一定的规律,一般来说先是下颌的2颗中切牙,再是上颌的2颗中切牙,最后往两边扩散开,呈“左右对称,先下后上各两颗”之势。换牙也是按“左右对称,先下后上”的顺序。第一颗乳牙的生理性脱落一般在6岁左右,但也有个体差异,早的4岁多、