
来源 :标记免疫分析与临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaidai123
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Using immunological technique to detect B and T as well as T subgroups of lymphocytes in pheripheral blood of patients with uremia, the results showed that the B lymphocyteswere extremely higher than those of normal people(P < 0. 001 ), but CD3, CD4 and the CD4/CD8were obviously lower (P < 0. 01 - P< 0. 001 ). The results indicate that uremia is a kind of selfimmunity disease with abnormal immunoregulation. Therefore, detecting B and T lymphocytes inuremia will be helpful in understanding the pathological mechanism of uremia and evaluation ofprognosis. Using immunological technique to detect B and T as well as T subgroups of lymphocytes in pheripheral blood of patients with uremia, the results showed that the B lymphocyteswere extremely higher than those of normal people (P <0.001), but CD3, CD4 and The results indicate that uremia is a kind of selfimmunity disease with abnormal immunoregulation. Thus, detecting B and T lymphocytes inuremia will be helpful in understanding the pathological mechanism of uremia and evaluation ofprognosis.
慢性前列腺炎属外科常见病、多发病,目前尚无满意的治疗方法。我院于1997年9月至1998年1月采用消炎痛栓治疗慢性前列腺炎24例,效果满意,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组24例均为来我院
目的分析肾母细胞瘤时血小板数量、体积、活化、功能状态和凝血功能指标和凝血因子活化指标的改变。方法肾母细胞瘤患儿组和对照组均为21例,用125I标记单克隆抗体SZ51测定GMP-140,ELISA测定TXB2,用放免法测定5-HT,用Coulter JT-IR细胞分析仪测定血小板数量、体积,采用TYXN血液凝固仪测定血小板聚集率,采用CONTRON Ⅳ型凝血仪测定凝血功能,采用ELISA法测定凝血酶