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目的通过开展学校减盐宣传与教育工作,以学生为纽带,将减盐干预活动辐射到整个家庭,提高学生及其父母低盐膳食和高血压防治的知晓率以及定量盐勺的正确使用率,探索、完善一种以学校为基础的推广家庭减盐的干预模式。方法以334对小学四年级学生及其家长为目标人群,干预组有168对学生及家长,对照组166对。干预组于2014~2015年实施减盐干预8个月,同时对照组观察8个月,不采取任何干预措施。以KAP问卷调查、食盐摄入情况、体格检测和24h尿钠检测结果为依据,评价“小手拉大手”学生及家长减盐干预模式的效果。结果基线调查时,干预组学生口味适正确比例、高血压防控知识知晓比例、接受低盐膳食教育比例均低于对照组(85.12%、92.17%;5.95%、54.22%,14.29%和60.48%,P<0.01);干预组家长接受低盐膳食教育比例低于对照组(37.50%、6.63%,P<0.01);干预组家长实施减盐措施、使用低钠盐比例均低于对照组(48.81%、67.47%;55.36%、79.52%,P<0.01);干预后终末评估时,干预组学生膳食习惯正确构成、盐与高血压防控知识知晓构成均大于同时期对照组(98.81%、97.59%;92.06%、61.85%;P<0.01);干预组家长膳食习惯正确构成、盐与高血压相关知识知晓构成均大于同时期对照组(93.85%、91.97%,91.47%、56.83%,P<0.01);干预组家长减少吃盐量、定量盐勺及低钠盐使用、实施减盐措施等控盐情况均大于同时期对照组(97.47%、72.44%,P<0.01)。干预组干预前中后自身比较,终末评估干预组学生膳食习惯正确构成、盐与高血压相关知识知晓构成均大于基线调查(98.81%、90.48%,92.06%、24.21%,P<0.01);终末评估干预组家长膳食习惯正确构成、盐与高血压相关知识知晓构成均大于基线调查(93.85%、74.60%;91.47%、39.68%,P<0.01);干预组家长终末评估减少吃盐量、定量盐勺及低钠盐使用、实施减盐措施等控盐情况均大于基线调查(97.47%、49.85%,P<0.01)。干预组人均食盐摄入量降低1.69g/(人·d)。干预组24h平均尿钠降低29.54mmol/L。结论 “小手拉大手”人群减盐干预系列活动的开展取得了明显效果,以学生为纽带、学校为基础带动家庭减盐的干预模式值得推广。 Objective Through the school of salt reduction publicity and education work, students as a link, the radiation reduction intervention activities to the entire family to improve students and their parents awareness of low salt diet and prevention and treatment of hypertension and the correct use of salt spoon quantitative, To explore and perfect a school-based family promotion of salt reduction intervention model. Methods A total of 334 pairs of fourth graders and their parents were selected as the target group. There were 168 pairs of students and parents in the intervention group and 166 pairs in the control group. The intervention group took salt reduction intervention for 8 months from 2014 to 2015 while the control group observed for 8 months without any intervention. KAP questionnaire survey, salt intake, physical examination and 24h urine sodium test results as the basis to evaluate “little hand pull big hand ” students and parents reduce the effect of salt intervention mode. Results In the baseline survey, the percentage of correct taste, knowledge of hypertension prevention and control, and education of low-salt diet in the intervention group were all lower than those in the control group (85.12%, 92.17%, 5.95%, 54.22%, 14.29% and 60.48% , P <0.01). Parents in the intervention group had a lower proportion of low-salt diet education than those in the control group (37.50%, 6.63%, P <0.01) 48.81%, 67.47%, 55.36%, 79.52%, P <0.01). At the end of intervention, the dietary habits of students in the intervention group were correctly formed, and the awareness of prevention and control knowledge of salt and hypertension were both higher than those in the control group (98.81% (93.85%, 91.97%, 91.47%, 56.83%, respectively) in the intervention group were higher than those in the control group (P <0.01) (P <0.01). Parents in the intervention group reduced the amount of salt used, salt spoons and sodium salt were used in the intervention group, and salt control measures such as salt reduction measures were more than those in the control group during the same period (97.47%, 72.44%, P <0.01). After intervention, the dietary habits of students in intervention group were correctly formed, and the knowledge of salt and hypertension were both higher than baseline (98.81%, 90.48%, 92.06%, 24.21%, P <0.01). The final assessment of intervention group parents eating habits correctly formed, knowledge of salt and hypertension related to the composition are greater than the baseline survey (93.85%, 74.60%; 91.47%, 39.68%, P <0.01) Quantitative salt scoop and low sodium salt were used. Salt control measures such as salt reduction measures were all higher than baseline (97.47%, 49.85%, P <0.01). The per capita salt intake in the intervention group decreased 1.69g / (person · d). 24h intervention group average urinary sodium decreased 29.54mmol / L. CONCLUSIONS: The series of “salt reduction intervention with small hands-on-hand” population has achieved remarkable results. The model of intervention based on student-linkages and school-based reduction of salt reduction is worth promoting.
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摘 要:随着素质教育改革以及新课程教育改革的不断深入,对于小学语文提出了更高的要求。要求在小学语文课堂教学中培养学生的核心素养,以此促进学生综合能力的全面发展。但是在实际的教学过程中,仍存在着一定的问题,这些问题的存在,不仅影响了小学语文课堂教学的教学效率和教学质量,更是限制了学生核心素养的培养,阻碍了学生综合能力的全面发展。基于此,本文首先研究了小学语文课堂教学中培养学生核心素养的重要作用,然后