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一、引言对于中子水分仪在土壤介质中测量深度的确定,人们往往习惯于使用“重要云球”的概念,认为中子水分仪测得的是以中子源为中心的重要球体内的热中子平均计数。当源和探测器组合在同一中心的探头中时,这一概念无疑是适用的。但在端接源探头中,源中心与探测器中心相距一定的距离,此时采用“重要云球”概念确定测量深度,显然是不太适当的。在锂玻璃中子土壤水分仪中,源与锂玻璃之间有很长一段间隔,其中锂玻璃探测器((?)40×5)较薄。快中子与土壤介质中的氢核碰撞后,慢化扩散成为热中子,再通过锂玻璃闪烁体被仪器记录。因此,传统的“重要云球”概念已不能很好地用于确定锂玻璃中子土壤水分仪的准确深度。 I. INTRODUCTION For the determination of the depth of neutron moisture meter in the soil medium, people tend to use the concept of “important cloud ball” and think that the neutron moisture meter measures the inside of an important sphere centered on the neutron source Average number of thermal neutrons. This concept is undoubtedly applicable when the source and detector are combined in the same central probe. However, in the termination source probe, the distance between the source center and the detector center is a certain distance. In this case, it is apparently not appropriate to adopt the concept of “important cloud ball” to determine the measurement depth. In the lithium glass neutron soil moisture meter, the source and the lithium glass have a long interval, in which the lithium glass detector ((?) 40 × 5) is thinner. After colliding with hydrogen nuclei in the soil medium, the fast neutrons diffuse into thermal neutrons and are recorded by the instrument through a lithium glass scintillator. Therefore, the traditional concept of “important cloud ball” has not been well used to determine the exact depth of lithium glass neutron moisture meter.
A self-assembled 1-dodecanethiol film assisted with the preferential adhesion of polydopamine was prepared on the non-etching 304 stainless steel surfaces by a
【关键词】 带状疱疹;婴儿;临床表现  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-7484(s).2013.09.233 文章编号:1004-7484(2013)-09-4984-01  1 资料与方法  患儿,男,9月龄,因“左下肢簇集性水疱4天,伴发热2天”于2013年4月15日到我院皮肤科门诊就诊。4天前无明显诱因患儿左侧大腿皮肤出现散在成片红斑,之后红斑表面逐渐出现簇集状水疱,针头至
Science reported the results of selective phenol hydrogenation to cyclohexanone on November 27,2009 (Science 2009,326,1250?1252) obtained by researchers at the
我厂曾为秦山核电厂“728”工程安全壳内氢气混合系统设计,研制了 YPF1.1 2S 型,1.1kW 2极耐辐照风机用屏蔽三相异步电动机(以下简称电动机)该电动机用于当安全壳内发生故障
向死而生之四  这个世界,古往今来的所有人,如果只允许我尊敬一个人,那答案很明确—恺撒。恺撒出生于第三次布匿战争之后。三次布匿战争是罗马人和迦太基人争夺地中海统治权的恶战。第一次布匿战争罗马人赢了,而且赢得很轻松;第二次布匿战争因为迦太基名将汉尼拔,罗马人差点输得倾家荡产,虽说后来也赢了,但极其狼狈;第三次布匿战争毫无悬念,罗马人轻松地灭国迦太基,并在土地上洒满生盐,让烈日暴晒寸草不生,这是远古时