Nuclear Weapons and US Korean War Policy

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朝鲜战争时期,美国政府借助核优势,对中朝方面几次发出核威胁,力图改变战场上的不利局面,实现有利于自己的和平。但朝鲜战争的结果证明,美国的核威慑不仅没有改变战场上的局面,也没有能挽回美国的败局,对中朝的行动没有起到任何作用,相反地,却使自己陷入进退两难的尴尬境地。由于受到国内、国际诸多因素的制约,美国在使用核武器方面不能不有所顾忌。最终,只能通过谈判解决问题。所谓美国的“核威慑”导致了朝鲜停战不过是美国决策者自欺欺人的一个“神话”而已,朝鲜战争再次表明了核威慑的限度。 During the Korean War, the U.S. government, using its nuclear advantages, issued several nuclear threats to the DPRK and China and sought to change the unfavorable situation on the battlefield and achieve peace in their own right. However, the result of the Korean War proves that the nuclear deterrence of the United States has not only failed to change the battlefield situation but has also failed to restore the defeat of the United States. It has not played any role in the DPRK’s actions. Instead, it has left itself in a dilemma of embarrassment. Due to the constraints of many domestic and international factors, the United States can not but scruples its use of nuclear weapons. Ultimately, the issue can only be solved through negotiation. The so-called “nuclear deterrence” by the United States led to a cease-fire in North Korea but only a “myth” of self-deception by U.S. policymakers. The Korean war once again demonstrated the limits of nuclear deterrence.
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