暂得于己 快然自足——从胡惠春到范季融翁婿间收藏精神的传承

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这是一个收藏家与博物馆的故事,更是一种收藏精神的描述。中国现代收藏家的崛起,当在清末民初。庞大的清帝国,历代皇帝都讲究收藏,同时他们自己又制作了供人收藏的器物。到了宣统时代,帝国败落,藏在深宫人不知的御藏御用之品,通过赏赐及盗窃等各种渠道,大量流出宫外,清帝国败亡,溥仪逃出紫禁城,由北京至天津,又由天津至东北,随着溥仪的流亡,更多的文物亦随着散出,或流落市井,或向银行作抵押贷款,如不能偿还款项,这些物品便会放出市场估售。西方及日本收藏家和古玩商最热衷于此,他们便麇集北京、东北或上海的古玩市场,收购这些从宫中散佚出的文物。当时有些人出于爱国之情,拦截祖国的文化贵物外流,要与外国收藏家或商人一较短长,不惜以重金收购。胡惠春就是这个收藏群体之一员…… This is a story of collectors and museums, but also a collection of spiritual description. The rise of Chinese modern collectors, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The vast Qing Empire, emperors all pay attention to collection, while they also made for the collection of artifacts. By the time of the Xuan dynasty, the empire was decayed and the royal possessions hidden in the palace were unknown. By means of various channels such as reward and theft, large quantities of emancipation erupted and the empire died down. Pu Yi escaped from the Forbidden City from Beijing to Tianjin and from Tianjin to the northeast, with the exodus of Pu Yi, more artifacts have also been scattered out of the marketplace, or to the bank for a mortgage loan, if they can not repay these items will be released on the market estimated. Western and Japanese collectors and antiques are most enthusiastic about this, they will gather in Beijing, northeast or Shanghai antique market, the acquisition of these relics from the palace relics. At that time, some people, out of their patriotic feelings, stopped the outflow of cultural goods in the motherland and wanted to acquire them with foreign collectors or businessmen for a relatively long time. Hu Huichun is a member of this collection ...
第一名:汤姆·克鲁斯 (1999年赚了两千七百万美元。再加上《碟中谍》第一集的分成七千五百万美元,共一亿零二百万美元。) 除了与斯坦利·库布利克合作拍《大开眼戒》那两年