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价格体系是国民经济中各种价格及其相互关系的总和。在社会主义制度下,价格体系是在国家计划管理下形成的。它体现着各种比价关系、差价关系以及价格构成各因素之间的关系。我国现行的价格体系是在解放初期很不合理的价格体系基础上,通过稳定和调整价格而逐步形成的。长期以来,由于“左”的错误思想影响和其他历史原因,没有作过大的调整和改革。党的十一届三中全会以来,先后进行了六次较大的调整,对促进工农业生产,搞活流通,改善人民生活,起到了良好的作用。但是,由于过去积累的问题多,到目前为止,价格严重背离价值的状 The price system is the sum of the various prices and their interrelationships in the national economy. Under the socialist system, the price system was formed under the state plan management. It shows the relationship between the various parity, the relationship between the price difference and the factors that make up the price. The current price system in our country is gradually formed through the stabilization and adjustment of prices based on the unreasonable price system in the early days of liberation. For a long time, no major adjustments and reforms have been made due to the wrong thinking of the “Left” and other historical reasons. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party has carried out six major adjustments successively, it has played a good role in promoting industrial and agricultural production, invigorating the circulation and improving the people’s livelihood. However, due to the large number of problems accumulated in the past, so far the price has seriously deviated from the value
1955年,美国国防部在哥伦布巴台尔研究所(BCL)中建立了钛冶金实验室(TML)。该实验室在国防部的直接领导下进 In 1955, the U.S. Department of Defense established the Ti
J1113A型125吨压铸机上的压射活塞(见图1)的材质,大多采用QT50-1.5、 QT60-2,也有用HT20-40或45钢的,但使用寿命都不高。我们试用高磷低合金耐磨铸铁,使用两年来效果很好,使
1985年10月21日~25日,在沈阳召开了第五届难熔金属学术交流会。本届难熔金属学术交流会是由沈阳有色金属加工厂、科学院金属研究所和宝鸡稀有 October 21, 1985 ~ 25, held
一、我国新科学技术的技术状况和产业基础 这方面我们掌握的情况很不全面,有些是上海地区的,有些涉及到全国。 微电子技术 上海地区微电子技术研究力量较为可观。相对来说,
河北省石黄高速公路辛集收费站坐落于辛集市区以北17公里处,毗邻307国道,近年来,随着高速公路联网、计重收费方式的转变和优质服务的深入开展,辛集站围绕中心,服务大局, Shi